Back Door Shopping Strategy When Grocery Stores Go Empty We have all seen if not experienced in person the mayhem and chaos of black Friday shopping. Double that insanity for panic storm shopping and then you can take it off the chart once folks realize the emergency may keep the shelves empty for months. I …
Category: Survival
Bugging-In Tips for Urban Preppers
Bugging-In Tips for Urban Preppers The majority of urban preppers say they plan to bug out. But in all honesty it is not going to be possible for a huge amount of people. Where are they going to go? How will they get there? How will they survive once they do arrive where ever? Getting …
Mom’s Prepared for Civil Unrest
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Mom’s Prepared for Civil Unrest We have talked about civil unrest before and we will again. It used to be a more predictable crisis event and unless you were traveling through you knew what areas in your location to avoid during these high tension areas. That isn’t always …
8 Reasons People Don’t Prep
8 Reasons People Don’t Prep We all know someone who refuses to prep. They simply won’t accept the fact that they could find themselves in the middle of a SHTF event. But it isn’t just those that refuse to prep at all that can fall victim to these mindsets. Some preppers do as well and …
Prayer, Mindset, Confidence, and Training: Reduce the Stress and Worry of Prepping
Prayer, Mindset, Confidence, and Training: Reduce the Stress and Worry of Prepping Like any substance or activity prepping can become a source of stress and worry in your life. Almost like an addiction. I know I have gone through cycles in my life where an activity including prepping has taken too much of my time …
SHTF Situation Riot: How to Survive
SHTF Situation Riot: How to Survive (2 links) A riot is literally possible anywhere. Ant country, city, and even small town. They can begin as peaceful protests with bus loads of people brought into your location and suddenly explode. They can be flash attacks over anything from a sports team win/loss to a political election. …
65 Reasons Ham Radio Operators Love Them
65 Reasons Ham Radio Operators Love Them Most of us know that a ham radio is one of the pieces of gear that preppers want. But are there more reasons than just prep gear to own one? You must have a license to legally operate one. So why do people go through the license process, …
Surviving a Vehicular Terror Attack
Surviving a Vehicular Terror Attack Yes, I know as with guns, vehicles don’t kill, people do. But if you have a several ton vehicles baring down on you on your local sidewalk, are you really going to debate what is happening? Just like guns, vehicles are being used against civilians as a method of …
Avoiding Detection Covering Your Trail
Avoiding Detection Covering Your Trail One thing we all agree upon is that if we are bugging out we don’t want tons of others running from whatever disaster has befallen us to follow! It may also be that the disaster itself, if it is manmade that we don’t want to know where we have gone. …
Tracking and Counter Tracking
Tracking and Counter Tracking Whether you are searching for a lost group member before or after a SHTF event learning the basics of tracking is a great skill to have. Counter tracking would be real handy after a SHTF event to prevent being followed back to your bug out location. So no matter if you are hiding or seeking tracking is …