Category: Survival

The Truggy

The Truggy There are many companies now specializing in off road and extra rugged vehicles. The truggy is just one such vehicle. It is a cross between a truck and a buggy. Designed by Tim Lawrence of TLR Performance Fabrication out of El Cajon, California. It was intended for off road racing and goes through …

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Healthy Herbs You Can Grow Yourself

Healthy Herbs You Can Grow Yourself If you don’t have Garden space, or it’s late in the year, you will find that it’s not that hard to grow healthy herbs in your home. In addition to flavoring up your favorite dishes, herbs are filled with antioxidants and essential nutrients. “Half of the nutritional value of …

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Cyclone & Hurricane Preparedness

Cyclone & Hurricane Preparedness As hurricane season winds down in the USA.  It’s cyclone season in other parts of the world. Some of the worst storms you can experience. The difference between the two is the location of the storm. The damage and potential danger are very much alike. Preparing for these storms and to evacuate if needed …

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Using a Compass without Compass

Using a Compass without Compass No matter how or why you are turned around and have lost your way being lost puts you in an immediate personal emergency situation. It doesn’t matter if it is normal times or during another SHTF event if you are lost you are endangered. Even before trying to find your …

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Primitive Traps & Snares

Primitive Traps & Snares In a long term SHTF scenario we have to be prepared to do without the modern technology of today. Human’s existed long before supermarkets, butcher shops and restaurants. We can find nutrition in the plants and trees around us and even set up a garden or on a larger scale a farm …

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DIY Box Traps

DIY Box Traps Traps of any kind will be needed in a long term SHTF event. No wasting ammo and after setting the trap you are free to go about other chores that will have to be done until the trap has done it’s job and you have captured prey. There are kill traps, however …

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Survival uses for Leaves

Survival uses for Leaves When in a survival situation everything around you if you are creative can become a survival tool. Even the leaves right off the trees and plants around you. In the Polynesian Islands cooking with leaves is a very common practice. Spinach and Taro are the most commonly used and serve both as …

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Fortify Your Home – Bugging In

Fortify Your Home – Bugging In So you’ve determined it is in your and your family’s best interests to bug in and hunker down.  Now you need to prep your home to do so. No home is fortified for survival purposes by your average builder! Unless you can do the plans and building yourself, your home …

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Survival Medical Supplies to Stock

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Survival Medical Supplies to Stock During a time of crisis whether it be short or long term medical care will be difficult to locate and obtain. That makes you and I the first responders and the only medical help available to those around us during that time. We need …

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Hunker Down Prepping Or Bugging Out

Hunker Down Prepping Or Bugging Out There are lots of reasons to hunker down in place and not bug out during a crisis. Pandemic where you would be safer at home and away from everyone who might have been infected. Civil unrest where being out and about can be taking your life in your hands. …

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