Fixing Canning Problems Hard as we work and as careful as we are to treat each jar as if it were the only jar we are filling. Sometimes things go wrong! Now the conundrum of what to do about it? No one wants to throw out the precious contents nor does anyone want to take …
Category: Survival
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Using EVERYTHING You Hunt Native cultures from all over the world have used hunting as a method of feeding their families. They have always known the true meaning of waste not want not and had an understanding of the cycle of life that made them grateful for the animal …
Worried about the Golden Horde?
Worried about the Golden Horde? Who and what are the golden horde are the first question that comes to my mind. From my understanding they are the urbanites that will be rushing out of the cities and invading the country looking for a new place to reside and survive. The real question is are they …
You’re at Your Bug Out Location…Now What?
You’re at Your Bug Out Location…Now What? You have your bug out location all set up. You have even spent a weekend or two there and found it to be quite comfortable. Even the in-laws and the kids enjoyed their time there. As soon as the crisis hit you and your family knew exactly what …
21 Things a Prepper Should Save
21 Things a Prepper Should Save Preppers and homesteaders are well known for turning what others might view as trash to a life saving survival tool. The featured article gives you a list of 21 things that can be used in this manner. The article says they are things that a prepper should NEVER throw …
5 Reasons a Woman Should Carry Concealed
5 Reasons a Woman Should Carry Concealed Whether to carry a firearm or not is a very personal decision. Only you can make that choice for yourself. But before you do, check your local laws so that you know what is legal in your area and what is not. If you decide that being armed …
Things to Look for at Every Yard/Garage Sale
Things to Look for at Every Yard/Garage Sale Prepping can get expensive. The adage of 1 is none and 2 is 1 can get costly. But it doesn’t have to be! Buying second hand these days doesn’t even necessarily mean used anymore. Stores often donate their brand new goods to thrift stores or church sales …
5 Urgent Water Storage Tips
5 Urgent Water Storage Tips Water is the life force of every living thing on this planet including human beings. Without safe drinkable water all the other preps we have done are worthless. Plants won’t grow, animals will die and human life will be snuffed out within a few days. So we search for safe …
Depression Meals You Don’t Want
Depression Meals You Don’t Want I may be aging myself by telling you this, but my mother was a child during the great depression. So when I was a child when times were tight she reverted to the old stand by meals of her own childhood. I have actually had a meal or two (or more) …
Finding North With Out a Compass
Finding North With Out a Compass I know how to find my barring via the constellations but without a compass that was pretty much it for me! If lost I would have to sit and wait until dark to find my way and begin my trek home! Truthfully I really am directionally impaired but I would rather head …