Surviving TEOTWAWKI – 14 Tips The article that we are talking about today actually says surviving TEOTWAWKI in 14 steps. However a wise person realizes that 14 guidelines may cover the basics but no one’s world is going to be the same as another nor will each “step” apply to every situation. Your world as you …
Category: Survival
DIY Caltrops
DIY Caltrops Caltrops are a medieval defensive weapon originally used to maim soldiers and their horses on the battlefield. These little sharp star spikes would be spread across the battlefield and woe was the fate of those horses or men who stepped on them. Infection under battle conditions was a deadly weapon. After a total collapse …
OCOKA Post SHTF Home Defense
OCOKA Post SHTF Home Defense If you think very logically and truthfully put yourself in the shoes of first responders during a major SHTF event, you will most likely determine that the services we depend upon to rescue us will be busy rescuing themselves. The majority of law enforcement folks who speak up on this …
Fact or Myth? Prepping Questions
Fact or Myth? Prepping Questions We here at The Prepared Page Web site attempt to bring you as much information, as many options and as many opinions from across the web and around the world as we possibly can. We broach what are sometimes uncomfortable situations and scenarios in hopes of providing you with options or …
Getting Started Check List
Getting Started Check List One of the questions I get asked the most is where to start preparing. Whether you’re a long-time prepper or a new one, realizing there is a probable crisis situation that you had not previously considered is common. Perhaps you have moved and there are storms or natural disasters common to your new …
Tiny DIY Wood Burning Stove
Tiny DIY Wood Burning Stove Most emergency can heaters either use an alcohol based fuel or are simply reflected heat from another flame source like a candle. This tiny little heater/stove featured by the Good Survivalist actually burns wood. Small bits of wood like twigs and sticks will be much easier to find in a …
Surviving a Cougar Encounter
Surviving a Cougar Encounter The cougar is a predatory wild cat most common to the American continent. Their natural habitat ranges from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes of South America. Secretive and largely solitary by nature, the cougar is considered to be a nocturnal hunter. However daytime sightings are increasing. Normally their prey is smaller less aggressive animals. Until the …
Dirty Dozen Survival Quiz
Dirty Dozen Survival Quiz Quizfreak brings us another ‘just for fun’ quiz. This one is of course on our subject of survival. Now don’t take the results or even the quiz too seriously. The answers on these quizzes as with all things survival related tend to be a bit subjective. There is really never one …
Bugging Out to the Wilderness Could be Deadly
Bugging Out to the Wilderness Could be Deadly One thing that I have noted and I am sure the rest of you have as well. Is that everyone seems to assume they will be bugging out into the wild. We all understand that populated areas will be targets if we are under attack and that …
DIY Survival Shotgun
DIY Survival Shotgun All preppers adore multi purpose items. At the same time if we could we would put everything including the kitchen sink in our bug out bags! This do it yourself survival kit is in itself a version of a bug out bag! With the shotgun at the center of the kit this thing …