Category: Survival

What Supplies will Disappear 1st

What Supplies will Disappear 1st We know what supplies are most important to us for the emergencies most likely to befall us in our area.  However, what we don’t always know is what we might decide we need several months down the line if the disaster isn’t the primary one we prepped for nor which …

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Wilderness Survival Mistakes

Wilderness Survival Mistakes Bugging out may not be your first choice. If you are not accustom to wandering about in or even temporarily living in the wilderness it may not be a planned option at all. Unless you have practice at doing so it is not a recommended choice either. It sounds like a reasonable …

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The Dangers of Survival Television

The Dangers of Survival Television Most often prepping TV is defined and compared to the television show Doomsday preppers. That particular show expounds on the extreme side of the prepping movement and doesn’t honestly represent the majority of the prepping community. The more mainstream prepping crowd are ordinary citizens with an extraordinary sense of responsibility with …

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Scavenging Post SHTF

Scavenging Post SHTF If you have prepped well there is a chance after a short term SHTF event you will not need to do any scavenging. This is the ultimate goal of most homesteaders and preppers. However, if the event is long term or if some of your preps are too damaged or lost during …

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Growing Micro-Greens

Growing Micro-Greens Micro-greens are a great way to increase your nutrient intake, and can be grown year round. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the University of Maryland found that leaves from Micro-greens actually have more nutrients than the mature leaves of the same plants. Micro-greens are the first true leaves produced from …

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Bugging Out Deployment Style

Bugging Out Deployment Style I see the majority of those bugging out doing so in a more random manner than they ever planned. No emergency situation ever plays out as expected. The storage area of your bug out supplies and gear could be under rubble or the scenario could be radically different than anything you prepared for. …

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Making Use of Roadkill

Making Use of Roadkill I admit the idea of eating roadkill makes me a bit queasy. Logically if you are not a vegan that queasiness is even harder to justify. We know meat comes from dead animals and making use of what is already dead rather than taking a new life to feed ourselves only makes …

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Treating a Gunshot Wound

Treating a Gunshot Wound A gunshot wound is certainly not an injury that I would want to have to deal with on any level. Not as the medical assistance to the victim nor as the patient. How horribly frightening! But we all know that in any SHTF event long or short term, we could end …

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Survival Tips that Could Save Your Life

We talk about survival tips in a way that makes it sound like “just do these three things and you’ll be able to survive anything.”   But that’s far from the truth. In reality there are so many different ingredients in the stew we call survival, that they’re almost impossible to list. Generally, what gets talked …

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Prepping for Seniors

Prepping for Seniors I hear much too often from seniors that in a terrible SHTF scenario their back up plan to hunkering down is to stay behind. They express the fear that they will slow down the group lowering their chances of getting out in time. Some of the plans I have been privy to …

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