Some posts may contain affiliate links. Catching, Filtering, & Storing Rainwater Just about anyone can stick a rain barrel under an eave and catch rainwater. After of course, checking if you have any rules against it from any HOA that might govern your property. Some states have laws about catching rainwater, however, in most of …
Category: SHTF
Survival Skills You Didn’t Know You Needed
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Survival Skills You Didn’t Know You Needed You may think, what would I possibly do with a Navy SEALS training skills in an emergency? Until I read the featured article I thought the same thing. I am unlikely to be in a jungle or desert location but that isn’t …
DIY Faraday Pockets
Some posts may contain affiliate links. DIY Faraday Pockets (2 links) There can be all kinds of power disruptions but the one most feared and most likely to cause the most damage to both your and your communities electronic abilities is the dreaded EMP. This can be at the hands of Mother Nature and naturally …
DIY Squirrel Snap Trap & Squirrel Recipes
Some posts may contain affiliate links. DIY Squirrel Snap Trap & Squirrel Recipes (2 links) One thing that is plentiful now and will be after a SHTF long term event are squirrels. Many folks eat squirrel on a regular basis in some parts of the world. But for those that haven’t you can find some …
Tips to Shelter in Place
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Tips to Shelter in Place Even if you live in the boondocks these tips are really something you should know about. There is no guarantee that disaster will strike while you are at home. You could be off to the city for the day and find yourself suddenly in …
MIY Neosporin
Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Neosporin Photo: simplyme This particular salve is great for minor cuts, scrapes, minor burns, diaper rash, dry skin, and eczema just like the store bought Neosporin. Only with this, you know what you are actually putting on your skin. I don’t like putting things on my own …
Backyard Bushcraft W/O the Wilderness!
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Backyard Bushcraft W/O the Wilderness! When I think of using bushcraft I think of the woods, mountains, and the wild. It has been the excuse for many of us to put off working on our bushcraft skills. After all we have jobs, families and places to go, who has …
Generations Old Storage Tips
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Generations Old Storage Tips In Generations past food storage wasn’t considered prepping is was necessary. Harvest only comes once a year for many crops but we eat year round. We have become reliant on the local market being our storage system. What happens when you can’t get there or …
What Should be in Your Emergency Binder
Some posts may contain affiliate links. What Should be in Your Emergency Binder Many preppers keep an emergency binder of ‘how to‘s’ and articles that they feel will assist them in the time of an emergency. The featured article is a different kind of emergency binder. The one we are most likely to forget or not think …
Survival Applications for Imodium
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Survival Applications for Imodium When your body reacts to toxins or an unusual diet ordinarily the fastest easiest but perhaps one of the least comfortable methods for getting it out of your system is to let nature take its course. In some situations especially a survival scenario this just isn’t a feasible …