Improve Your Survival Chances in a Random Attack With These Five Habits Before discussing the featured article in the post. I would like to acknowledge that the picture above is from the Cascade Mall in Burlington, Washington. It was taken by media on September 23rd, 2016. On that date a lone gunman killed 5 people. Sarai …
Category: SHTF
15 Preparations for the Wave of Collapse
15 Preparations for the Wave of Collapse The featured article today deals with the domino effect of the world’s economy. Our economies are all global now and intertwined so when one thread is pulled and begins to unravel everything else also begins to unwind. Leading to eventual collapse. I can attest that one disaster can indeed …
DIY Cold Spring House – Off Grid Refrigeration
DIY Cold Spring House – Off Grid Refrigeration With this off grid project the key is as they say in real estate, location, location, location! If you live near naturally moving water like a creek or even a small river where controlling a water diversion is possible then a cold spring house is the obvious answer …
40 Prepper Movies
40 Prepper Movies Some people don’t like disaster movies and feel there is nothing to be gained from fiction. I personally disagree. I feel that if a question, hypothetical scenario, or movie plot can make you think. Then it is worth your time. Your mind is your greatest asset in a survival situation. Face it no …
6 Prepper Laws
6 Prepper Laws Most preppers don’t like laws that we didn’t have a say in making. We realize that rules are necessary for society to function. But don’t like laws or rules that infringe on our personal liberties and freedoms nor on the rights of others.. The vast majority of us are good hearted, law …
Survival/SHTF Tips
Survival/SHTF Tips This is truly the meat and potatoes of the prepping pages and sites. Tips we hope to share with each other and everyone who wants to make it through any crisis. Big or small, what is a SHTF scenario to you may be only an inconvenience to another and vice versa. The tips in …
Folk Remedies That Have Survived The Test Of Time
Folk Remedies That Have Survived The Test Of Time All families have their history of home remedies that have been passed down from generation to generation. They get passed down over and over because they work! Today’s featured article is about those folk remedies that have stood the test of time and have been used …
Taking Charge In An Emergency – 17 Tips
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Taking Charge In An Emergency – 17 Tips In any emergency of any size, unless you are completely alone, someone has to take charge. Everyone including yourself will be fighting the urge and instinct to panic. Our fight or flight instincts kick in. It will be up to you to not …
Post SHTF Diseases To Be Prepared For
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Post SHTF Diseases To Be Prepared For Most of us have some kind of preparation done for illness in general. We keep a bottle of aspirin and perhaps a partially used bottle of cold medication in the medicine cabinet of our homes. Many people also did some stocking up on …
Overcoming Deadly Psychological Traps in an Emergency
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Overcoming Deadly Psychological Traps in an Emergency People often assume that they are immune to the emotional impact of an emergency. We have all seen a key board warrior or two comment here or there that they would never panic and would shoot to kill without thought. And then there are …