Category: SHTF

Do you Have These Go Bag Essentials?

Do you Have These Go Bag Essentials? Non preppers often see a go bag and a bug out bag as the same thing. They can be if you want them to be, but they really shouldn’t be and for me they aren’t interchangeable. My go bag is when I need to take off in a …

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7 Critical and Specific Components of a Prepared Home

7 Critical and Specific Components of a Prepared Home This article is more about preparing the specifics of the family in the home than the house, after all isn’t it the family that makes the house a home? The whole point of preparedness is to preserve the lives of ourselves and families as well as …

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Drinking Rain Water

Drinking Rain Water Many of us collect rain water for grey water uses. Always of course staying within the legal limits and only for the purposes allowed by the rain water laws of our own locality. 😉 In a SHTF scenario this could be your only option to obtain water for all uses including drinking. …

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Learning to Use and Hunt With a Catapult

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Learning to Use and Hunt With a Catapult You might not consider the hand held catapult as a weapon but remember the story of David and Goliath! It is an ancient weapon that can still get the job done. I call it the grown up version of the kid’s …

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Incubating and Hatching Eggs

Incubating and Hatching Eggs I did this on a very small scale as a kid and hatched a single egg and recall it was an awesome thing to watch. Incubating and hatching eggs isn’t child’s play however. For today’s homesteaders and even those who have a back yard coop each egg is an investment. After …

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A Prepper’s Guide to Bread Making

A Prepper’s Guide to Bread Making Bread is one of staple of any pantry. Almost every culture on earth eats it in some form. When the French toast brigade hits stores just before a storm, it’s one of the first shelves to become bare. If the disaster is long term, what are people going to …

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DIY Hinged HOOP HOUSE for Raised Bed

DIY Hinged HOOP HOUSE for Raised Bed I love this project! If you don’t have room, time, or even money for a full size green house this mini hoop house can still provide the benefits of one on a much smaller scale. It could also be a viable answer for renters because it literally can …

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Priority Home Security Improvements

Priority Home Security Improvements Home security is a topic that doesn’t always get the attention it should on prepping sites. Our homes are our safe havens from the world. Having that safety shattered is a SHTF event. Sometimes we are so busy worrying about outside SHTF events and bugging out etc.. that we forget about …

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Accurately calculate how much food you need for SHTF

Accurately calculate how much food you need for SHTF We are given estimates on how much food we need to store per person for a SHTF event. But have you really looked at the serving size on some foods? I was looking at the serving size on a bottle of salad dressing the other day …

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The Definitive Bushcraft Skills List

The Definitive Bushcraft Skills List Bushcraft is a set of skills that you need to survive and even thrive in nature without outside assistance. To subsist in an environment where you can’t flick your Bic, stop by the Seven Eleven and pick up a last minute item, nor rent a cozy condo. Relying on yourself …

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