Know If Someone Is Following You Being aware of being followed may be a skill that is more prevalent in women than men. But it shouldn’t be. Men can be targeted as well as women. It’s just a sad fact that in most populations women are forced to be more aware than their male counterparts. …
Category: Security
Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion
Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion The very first home invasion I remember was the infamous Tate murders. Unless you live in distant Siberia you also heard about Charles Manson‘s plot that resulted in the deaths of the people inside the Tate home that night. More than a few of us breathed …
Priority Home Security Improvements
Priority Home Security Improvements Home security is a topic that doesn’t always get the attention it should on prepping sites. Our homes are our safe havens from the world. Having that safety shattered is a SHTF event. Sometimes we are so busy worrying about outside SHTF events and bugging out etc.. that we forget about …
Potential Mass Shootings Stopped by People With a Personal Firearm
Potential Mass Shootings Stopped by People With a Personal Firearm In the United States we are too frequently dealing with the aftermath of a mass shooting. It isn’t the fact that there is always another mass shooting just around the corner that has changed the climate of gun control in this country, but the fact that …
POST SHTF: Lock Picking With Everyday Items
POST SHTF: Lock Picking With Everyday Items Pre-SHTF I can only assume you will all act with honor and not use this information for entry into any property that is not your own. These are for POST SHTF use only. But you can bet those that wish to abscond with your property already know …
Why Are Active Shooters Successful? How large is Their Circle of Pain?
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Why Are Active Shooters Successful? How large is Their Circle of Pain? I hate this topic! I hate it because the bad guy the active shooters win. He or she doesn’t go uncaptured most of the time and in most cases loses his/her own life during the event. …
When Should You Open Fire on Intruders?
When Should You Open Fire on Intruders? I know the key board warrior will say “As soon as they step on my property”. That thinking could land you in prison and leave your family more vulnerable. Besides the legal aspects of shooting intruders which is probably the last thing you are truly concerned about at the moment, there …
What Would It Cost You if You Didn’t Fight Back?
What Would It Cost You if You Didn’t Fight Back? There aren’t many self defense articles or classes that first and foremost teach you to trust your bodies natural reaction to a threat. From there this method teaches not just fight moves but how to mentally prepare to defend yourself. See Imminent Threat Solutions recap …
DIY Taser Proof Jacket
DIY Taser Proof Jacket For many a Taser is easier to obtain than a firearm. It’s use doesn’t carry as harsh a penal sentence as does the use of a firearm for a criminal. And it incapacitates its victim without killing them. This can make it a favorite of those who wish to take what you have …
How to Know When People Are Lying to You
How to Know When People Are Lying to You As a parent, a boss, an employee, and even as a friend it is important to know when you are being lied too. In a crisis is that importance is multiplied to the extent that it can be the difference between life and death. There are …