Category: Security

7 Best Affordable Tactical Knives

7 Best Affordable Tactical Knives

7 Best Affordable Tactical Knives A good knife is essential to survival. Knives may appear to be an average every day tool. However,  they  can make all the difference in a bad situation. Fixed blade? A survival weapon? A tactical purpose? You don’t want the same knife buttering your bread as you would in hand …

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What Powers are Granted by a National Emergency – Updated

What Powers are Granted by a National Emergency

What Powers are Granted by a National Emergency- Updated There were a number of “what if” type questions that floated around the US while our government was shut down. We needed to educate ourselves to just what it all meant. We all know why a national emergency was being declared.  What we need to understand …

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Some Swedes Voluntarily Micro Chipped for Convenience

Are Swedes Voluntarily being Micro Chipped for Convenience?

 Some Swedes Voluntarily Micro Chipped for Convenience We have all at one time or another discussed the possibility of human beings being somehow micro chipped, tattooed, or otherwise “marked” for the purpose of identification. To most of us it is a frightening thought. However, when a Swedish company began asking for volunteers among their workers …

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Street Protestors and Self Defense from Your Vehicle

Street Protestors and Self Defense

Street Protestors and Self Defense from Your Vehicle Protests are becoming more and more common across the world. Because of this the protestors are becoming bolder and the hapless citizen who inadvertently finds themselves caught in the fray is also becoming more frequent. A terrifying experience for sure. Who among us of a “certain” age …

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Watch Your Back: Backpack Armor Guide

Watch Your Back: Backpack Armor Guide

Watch Your Back: Backpack Armor Guide Active shooters are becoming more and more common place. Sad but true. Not everyone can carry a firearm to fight back, but the majority of us can carry a backpack. Men, women, teens and children, even toddlers can make use of a armored backpack. As with all new products …

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What’s The Plan For Prison Inmates When The SHTF? Updated

What's The Plan For Prison Inmates When The SHTF?

What’s The Plan For Prison Inmates When The SHTF? On our Facebook in the past we have lightly touched on this subject and how we would personally react to coming upon trapped inmates. For the most part they wouldn’t fare to well if that should happen because the bulk of us fear what they were …

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Stepping Over the Legal Line When SHTF

Stepping Over the Legal Line When SHTF

Stepping Over the Legal Line When SHTF During a SHTF event we will all be called upon to make choices and decisions we are not accustomed to considering. Depending upon the depth and length of the event the rules that can or can’t be broken without repercussion later and the extent of the consequence. I …

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Hiding From The Government – G Man Evasion

Escaping The Government's Watchful Eye

Hiding From The Government- G Man Evasion The first thing many folks will think when we talk about avoiding government scrutiny or actually hiding from the government is that if you live  your life above board and have nothing to hide there is no reason to hide from anyone. I do tend to lean that …

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Hardening Your Home Against Invasion

Hardening Your Home Against Invasion

Hardening Your Home Against Invasion Sadly what we used to consider normal security measures are no longer enough to stop those who wish us harm or to take what is ours for themselves. I remember a time in our countries history where very few of us locked our doors at night. Now I find if …

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Settlement allows anyone to legally download 3-D printed guns-Updated

Settlement allows anyone to legally download 3-D printed guns-Updated (2 links) I am really surprised that this settlement didn’t make international news in a big way. The idea that in the near future when 3-D printing becomes more available world wide, that “anyone” with access to the printer will be able to print their own …

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