Category: Prepping

Guard VS Police Dogs: Know the Distinction in Laws

Guard VS Police Dogs: Know the Distinction in Laws First let me make it perfectly clear that I am not nor is this post intended to be anti-law enforcement post. Rather to insure you are aware of the distinction in the laws between your family pet or guard dogs and the police dog. If you have …

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Are You Ready? Go Bag Essentials

Are You Ready? Go Bag Essentials

Are You Ready? Go Bag Essentials (2 links) If you are new to prepping you may be confused by the difference between a go bag, a bug out bag, or everyday carry. Even if you are a long time prepper you might find that you might of missed a trick or two and are always …

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Is Prepping a Form of Activism?

Is Prepping a Form of Activism?

Is Prepping a Form of Activism? I had never thought about prepping activities being a form of activism until seeing the featured blog from Backdoor Survival. I have been called an activist and I suppose in my own way I am, because I actively encourage others to prepare to be self-reliant. It is my personal belief that the …

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Civil Unrest Prepping

Civil Unrest Prepping

 Civil Unrest Prepping In the last decade or so civil unrest has become the most common manmade SHTF event. For myself the idea of neighbor turning on neighbor over an event that neither of them had control over is horrid. I many parts of the world, not just in the USA, it has become a method …

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Setting a Broken Bone or Treating a Dislocated Joint

Setting a Broken Bone or Treating a Dislocated Joint

Setting a Broken Bone or Treating a Dislocated Joint Injuries are going to happen during a SHTF event, that is just a given. They will continue to happen after the event as well. What  could also be factual is that you will be the first and in a worst case scenario the only responder. If …

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Lanterns Made From Inexpensive or Recycled Frames

Lanterns Made From Inexpensive or Recycled Frames This is a neat little project that truthfully if you already have the materials could be free for you! Making lanterns may sound fun to crafters, but it could also be a practical project for preppers. When you have a power outage or an outdoor function candles are …

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Primitive Cooking Methods You Could Find Useful If SHTF

Primitive Cooking Methods You Could Find Useful If SHTF

Primitive Cooking Methods You Could Find Useful If SHTF Especially if you are bugging out you may find yourself cooking without cookware or a stove. Under those circumstances primitive cooking methods will be your only option. Long before the advent of microwaves or grills people were still cooking their food! In the featured blog 7 …

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Feds Warn of ISIS Threats for the Holidays

Feds Warn of ISIS Threats for the Holidays Our world has sadly changed to the point where any gathering is a possible target of terrorism. Now even wide spread holidays pose a risk. A terroristic group has threatened to attempt to disrupt our holiday traditions. Do not however fall prey to the desired results of these …

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Survival Tips That Could Be Life Savers

Survival Tips That Could Be Life Savers

Survival Tips That Could Be Life Savers You never know when you may be in a sudden survival situation. We rarely get notice of a SHTF moment coming. Whether personal or world wide little things can and do everyday make the difference between life and death. The linked list of 13 survival tips is followed up …

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DIY Built-In Storage

DIY Built-In Storage Now this DIY project was done by the makers Ron and Courtney for extra closet space for her shoes. BUT as a prepper what I see is simply extra storage space! It wouldn’t have to be for shoes nor a bedroom closet either! I have something very similar on the back inside …

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