15 Ancient Shelter Designs If a SHTF event is longer term, you will need a more permanent shelter than a tent or bush shelter. Something more stable than those and for the longer stay. The elements will kill you long before the lack of food and even perhaps water. So what will you do if …
Category: Prepping
Alone for the End?
Alone for the End? Most of us prep with the hopes that it will be for the short term crisis. But factually we know any disaster scenario could cause long term supply shortages and could come with angry crowds of survivors who either lost their supplies or hadn’t prepared at all. Often this leads to …
Gray Man Secrets From a Surveillance Operative
Gray Man Secrets From a Surveillance Operative Other than this site, for the most part I live my life gray. I simply don’t choose to stand out. I do admit that if and when a time were to come when being gray would be less a choice and more a necessity I would have to adjust my …
Save Money Using Vintage Homemaking Skills
Save Money Using Vintage Homemaking Skills One aspect of homesteading that tends to be a bit romanticized are the chores that come with it! The ideal vision is setting on the big old front porch in a old rocker sipping home squeezed lemonade while watching the sun set. This image in the mind can become a daily fact of …
Multi Purpose Survival Items You May Already Have
Multi Purpose Survival Items You May Already Have Prepping isn’t always an inexpensive lifestyle or proposition. Face it you need good gear because if it fails when you need it there are no do overs. Very few of us have an unlimited budget and if surviving means bugging out there is only so much you …
What to do if You Discover Human Remains
What to do if You Discover Human Remains Not a nice thought. But it could happen, you could be the one who discovers human remains. The probability is low thank goodness, but the more time you spend in the outdoors the higher the possibility. It is a sad fact that there are those souls who have …
5 Recipes Every Survival Chef Should Know
5 Recipes Every Survival Chef Should Know Everyone hopes to have enough food supplies to make it through any crisis that might befall them and that their supply line will be active again before it’s needed. But depending on that is risky and assumes that the crisis will be short term. A wise stockpile includes …
MIY Potted Meat: FAQs & Recipe
Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Potted Meat: FAQs & Recipe (2 links) Now days when I hear potted meat I think spam or corned beef. Neither make my taste buds tingle. Although either are decent choices for stockpiling if your palate enjoys them. I do have a couple of recipes in my repertoire that call …
DIY Paracord Snow Shoes
DIY Paracord Snow Shoes If you now or ever have lived in an area with extreme hash winters you know that your body is simply not equipped by nature to survive those temperatures. Particularly your extremities. Your feet and hands are very sensitive to the cold. Mittens and boots are imperative and when the snow …
5 Aspects of Off-Grid Living that Make You Happier & Healthier
5 Aspects of Off-Grid Living that Make You Happier & Healthier We’ve all heard early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. There are many homesteaders still waiting on the wealthy to find them! There are advantages to clean living that are evident to just about everyone after the first …