Category: Prepping

Wild Game Jerky

Wild Game Jerky

Wild Game Jerky Who doesn’t love jerky? We have a number of recipes for various sauces and flavorings on the site. But I don’t think that a whole lot of us have tried to many wild game jerkies. Here in my local area the common jerkies are made from beef, turkey and deer. But if …

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Cooking With Mud

Cooking With Mud

Cooking With Mud Sounds horrible doesn’t it? Cooking with mud sounds really unsanitary. But if you do it right, it’s actually not. Cooking with mud was probably the advent of pottery to begin with (just my ponderings) It gets hard and then when done you break it away from the food. There is a bit …

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Save Yourself From Choking

Save Yourself From Choking

Save Yourself From Choking Most everyone in every country has heard of the Heimlich maneuver used to save another from choking to death. But what do you do to save yourself from choking if no one is there to preform the maneuver on you? 1st stay calm. I know that is much easier said than …

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Tips On Reusing Containers For Water Storage

Tips On Reusing Containers For Water Storage

Tips On Reusing Containers For Water Storage Recycle, reuse, and renew! But when you do so to store water for the future do so with caution. Reusing plastic containers is good for not only your pocket book but our planet. Just make sure that you’re using the right plastic for the right job. For tips …

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Could the Survival Bike be Your Bug Out Vehicle?

Could the Survival Bike be Your Bug Out Vehicle?

Could the Survival Bike be Your Bug Out Vehicle? Years ago, when I was young, broke, and living in Germany.  I had a moped for several years rather than a car. It was much less expensive. (Why is it that the good ole days aren’t good until later when the really cool things aren’t a …

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Why Another Great Depression Will Be Very Different

Why Another Great Depression Will Be Very Different

Why Another Great Depression Will Be Very Different Many of my generation know the stories of our parents and grandparents who lived through the great depression in the USA. I am no different, but my parents and grandparents had very different stories I was raised prepping because of those stories and the scars they left …

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Recycle Swingset to Chicken Coop!

Recycle Swingset to Chicken Coop!

Recycle Swingset to Chicken Coop! Once again I am amazed by the ingenuity of the homesteader. If you have children, in all likelihood you either have or have had one of the triangle style swing sets in your back yard at some time or another. Now days they are much more complicated then the back …

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MIY Whiskey

MIY Whiskey

MIY Whiskey Everyone knows alcohol is a great barter item. People are almost always willing to purchase spirits even in the roughest of economic times. Not just for drinking either! There are a ton of other uses for distilled beverages from making flavorings to medical treatments. Whiskey is prime for all of those uses. Before …

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Making Your Life Easier With Dawn Dish Soap! Not Just For Dishes

Making Your Life Easier With Dawn Dish Soap! Not Just For Dishes

Making Your Life Easier With Dawn Dish Soap! Not Just For Dishes One thing about living a simpler less reliant lifestyle is that it takes a bit more time! Instead of machines doing our daily chores, we are doing them ourselves. The point isn’t to work harder but smarter. Leaving more time and especially more …

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Prepping Your Bug Out Location as a Geographical Battlespace

Prepping Your Bug Out Location as a Geographical Battlespace

Prepping Your Bug Out Location as a Geographical Battlespace It really doesn’t matter if it is your bug out location or your bug in location. You will want to do the very best you can at protecting that space. Your life depends upon it. As normal people we often don’t think of these spaces as …

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