First Aid Skills Every Prepper Should Know There are basic first aid skills that everyone should know, but as preppers it is even more important to have the skills as frankly we will be the ones others look to for assistance in an emergency. In a SHTF scenario it will become our responsibility to administer …
Category: Prepping
USA Debt Meltdown
USA Debt Meltdown Many people believe a total economic collapse is only a matter of time due to debt and this article speaks to that. I can only say that I hope they are wrong and that we will find our way back to financial health as a country and as individual citizens and that if …
DIY Signal Flares
DIY Signal Flares – Smoke Flares with Fuses Before anything else, I must warn you that this is a project that is NOT for children and is not a toy or a neat firework. It is intended for Emergency Use Only. Misuse could result in property damage, serious injury even death if handled carelessly. Always use common sense and extreme caution …
Transform Plastic Bottles into Plastic Rope – Updated – How to Make the Shredder
Transform Plastic Bottles into Plastic Rope – Updated How to Make the Shredder Not too long ago we showed you the video below showing how plastic rope could be made by using recycled plastic bottles. The video is in what I think is Russian but still a real interesting watch. Now we have another video …
Rediscover Haybox Cooking
Rediscover Haybox Cooking As the crock pot queen of cooking, when I came across this pioneer version of the crock pot the haybox. I had to share it with you. It is literally the nonelectric version of the first slow cooking device. Better still you can make your own and slow cook on camping trips …
Almost unlimited power for your electronics
Almost unlimited power for your electronics Unless there is a massive EMP and even then if you have been able to adequately protect some of your electronics gear, power in any emergency situation is gold! But how to keep an emergency supply of it is a question we all ask. Gray Wolf has one solution …
Small Spaces Storage Solutions
Small Spaces Storage Solutions Everyone, prepper or not needs extra storage solutions! I have found that no matter how much storage I have in any location I have ever lived it never seems to be enough. Food Storage Made Easy’s readers came together to provide them with their best storage solutions for small spaces, you …
Baking Without an Oven
Baking Without an Oven Traditionally when we think of cooking over an open fire or on the stove top we think grilling, frying, boiling or simmering and not baking! However, with the help of a Dutch oven we can actually bake without an oven too. This article gives instructions and recipes for baking in your …
How Much Gear Should You Carry?
How Much Gear Should You Carry? Even those new to prepping get the idea of a bug out bag and we have seen many checklists for what gear should be in the bag. Each individual is different and each situation different. How much can you physically carry? What kind of terrain will you be traversing? …
Survival Skills Your Child Should Know
Survival Skills Your Child Should Know Most of our children learn from our life style so many of our children raised in the prepper life style will be “born” preppers. But many of us also have children who don’t get it. In my own experience there are things my kids do exactly the way I …