Some posts may contain affiliate links. Survival Medical Supplies to Stock During a time of crisis whether it be short or long term medical care will be difficult to locate and obtain. That makes you and I the first responders and the only medical help available to those around us during that time. We need …
Category: Prepping
Hunker Down Prepping Or Bugging Out
Hunker Down Prepping Or Bugging Out There are lots of reasons to hunker down in place and not bug out during a crisis. Pandemic where you would be safer at home and away from everyone who might have been infected. Civil unrest where being out and about can be taking your life in your hands. …
The Purge: Should You be Worried?
The Purge: Should You be Worried? What is The Purge? Well it’s a new movie that depicts a future world where for a 12-hour period in any and all crime is legalized. It’s a movie… fiction! So why are people worried??? Social media and foolish people in truth. There are small groups and young individuals sending …
Ditch The Rule – What & Why
Ditch The Rule – What & Why What you are looking at in the picture above could be considered an EPA protected waterway. No, I am not kidding this farmer’s crop ditches do fall under the proposed changes to the EPA ‘s 1972 Clean Water Act. So do your coy ponds, the water reservoirs created on your private property, …
Brown Recluse Danger Increasing
Brown Recluse Danger Increasing Since 2014 reports are that the incidents of bites from the brown recluse spider are increasing. This is one bite that you need to avoid by just about any means possible. But the doctors are seeing more of them every year and are asking that you please don’t try to treat it at home. …
DIY Bug Out Trailers
Some posts may contain affiliate links. DIY Bug Out Trailers What is cooler than having a bug out vehicle that is specific to you and your needs? Not everyone can afford to have a custom trailer built to their specifications. Although ordering one to your specs is awesome if you can do it, but there …
DIY No Welding Required Bike Trailer
DIY No Welding Required Bike Trailer There are crisis scenarios where your bug out vehicle could be or should be a bicycle If you need to move about quicker than you could walk and further than you could run then a bike would be a great option. If you need to maneuver around debris through …
Gun Ownership a Crime Deterrent or Incentive?
Gun Ownership a Crime Deterrent or Incentive? Opinions vary greatly on whether owning a gun is a deterrent or an incentive to criminals. Almost as greatly as the laws vary in each country. Each state, province and territory within the country’s laws vary as well. These opinions and laws do effect preppers across the world. We share concerns …
No More Hostages
No More Hostages First and foremost on behalf of myself, The Prepared Page, and I think I can safely say the entire prepping community we send out our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of James Foley. Mr. Foley was murdered in a horrendous act of inhumanity and terrorism at its very worst. …
Learning From the Diet of the Past
Learning From the Diet of the Past Saturated fats, Genetically modified foods, unknown additives etc.. all part of the modern diet. No matter how hard we try to avoid them, the truth in labeling has a lot of leeway. We can eat ourselves sick and I believe we can eat ourselves healthy as well. Our …