Category: Prepping

Are Preppers Normal?

Are Preppers Normal? Since the television debut of Doomsday Preppers many people have come to think that all preppers are a bit nuts. So if you are a prepper or have a family member who is are you or they normal? First of course to determine that we must decide what is normal. Most often …

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How Much Will Your Garden Produce?

Some posts may contain affiliate links. How Much Will Your Garden Produce? Now that you are reaping in the harvest and in some cases preserving the balance of produce for the winter months, it is the time to take stock on what you have enough of and what you would like to grow more of …

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Scavenging After the SHTF

Scavenging After the SHTF All survival sites talk about preparing to scavenge after a major SHTF event. What you really need to know is how to do it safely, how to avoid contact with un-friendlies, how to get into abandoned buildings etc. But there isn’t much chatter about what you should be looking for. Things …

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DIY Bat House & Benefits

DIY Bat House & Benefits I know bats as with every other living creature have their benefits to the planet. However, I would never have thought of intentionally drawing them to my homestead! I admit I am  freaked out by bats and see them as creepy little creatures best left in spooky Halloween themes. After …

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It Is Said The Ark Was Built Before The Rain Came

It Is Said The Ark Was Built Before The Rain Came Religious or not we all take some things on faith as many believe Noah did when he built the ark. Without even thinking about it we assume tomorrow the sun will rise and tomorrow night it will set again. No one doubts that there …

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DIY Workmate w/o Power Tools!

DIY Workmate w/o Power Tools! In a SHTF scenario where we are without power won’t mean that Construction will stop! Wood working, repair, building, and carpentry skills will be more important than ever. Anyone that uses any tools on a regular basis knows they need a good work bench to start with. Building a basic workmate …

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Fixing Canning Problems

Fixing Canning Problems Hard as we work and as careful as we are to treat each jar as if it were the only jar we are filling. Sometimes things go wrong! Now the conundrum of what to do about it? No one wants to throw out the precious contents nor does anyone want to take …

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Some posts may contain affiliate links. Using EVERYTHING You Hunt Native cultures from all over the world have used hunting as a method of feeding their families. They have always known the true meaning of waste not want not and had an understanding of the cycle of life that made them grateful for the animal …

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Worried about the Golden Horde?

Worried about the Golden Horde? Who and what are the golden horde are the first question that comes to my mind. From my understanding they are the urbanites that will be rushing out of the cities and invading the country looking for a new place to reside and survive. The real question is are they …

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You’re at Your Bug Out Location…Now What?

You’re at Your Bug Out Location…Now What? You have your bug out location all set up. You have even spent a weekend or two there and found it to be quite comfortable. Even the in-laws and the kids enjoyed their time there. As soon as the crisis hit you and your family knew exactly what …

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