10 Tips to Make Your Home Your Fortress Our homes were always intended to be our safe havens. With crime rates rising, disastrous weather brewing and the ever-looming possibility of a major SHTF event to keep our homes our havens we must begin looking at them as our own little fortresses. Of course, building a …
Category: Prepping
Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion It used to be that the issue of home security other than a lock on the front door were the concerns of only the wealthy or those that live a lifestyle that could bring dangerous strangers to the doorstep. Now days that is not …
Herb/Veggie Planter You Can DIY
Herb/Veggie Planter You Can DIY If you’d like to have fresh Herbs year-round, this Vertical Herb planter will let you grow them this Winter, and then when Spring rolls around– you can put it outside. Some veggies can also be planted in this planter (Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Arugula) in Winter months. Families that …
Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish
Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish Preserving protein sources like meat and fish will be a crucial skill during a SHTF scenario. There are situations where pressure canning, freezing or dehydrating meats will not be an option, but you will need that protein desperately to keep yourself and your family or group healthy. The dietary …
Survival Skills Test
Survival Skills Test I always tell you never to take these quizzes too seriously. Someone and we don’t really know who, decided what answer was correct and which is incorrect. We could rightfully disagree with them and who is to say who is right or wrong? Many of these tests are very subjective and your …
Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet
Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet I kind of see my bug out bag like a child I am nurturing and watching grow. Like an infant it started off light and lean with few frills. But as I tend to each scenario that is possible in my location and learn more and more …
Being Prepared to be Stranded
Being Prepared to be Stranded The best way to avoid the trials and tribulations of being stranded is of course to avoid being stranded in the first place! Good vehicle maintenance, remaining observant of the gas gage, and always making sure someone knows where to look should you go missing. But even with the best …
Surviving a Dog Attack
Surviving a Dog Attack The photo above is one of the most terrifying pictures of a dog I have ever seen! We have all seen the horrific pictures of small children who have survived all though scarred for life by a dog that suddenly turned on the child. My own granddaughter in law is badly …
Inexpensive Tips to Begin Prepping
Inexpensive Tips to Begin Prepping In today’s economy everyone’s pocketbook is pinched. Every penny counts and that includes preppers. The first thing new preppers worry about is the cost of preparing. When you are struggling to make ends meet day to day how do you find room in the budget for preparing for tomorrow? When you …
Food Storage Mistakes You Could Be Making
Food Storage Mistakes You Could Be Making Sometimes we get so caught up in the bulk of our supplies that we overlook some of the complexities of food and water storage. I am in the mist of reorganizing my pantry and supply area because I have recently noted some duplicated purchases that were not necessary, …