DIY Solar Air Heater My first thought was what would I use a solar air heater for? Then as my mind clicked about randomly, I began to realize there are a number of excellent uses for a project like this one! Anything that uses warm air can by accomplished with this DIY heater. You could use …
Category: Prepping
The Secret to Preparedness
The Secret to Preparedness Our site and sites like ours give us lots of tips, tricks, advice and methods for preparing for the future no matter what it holds. But they leave us wondering what is the true secret to surviving whatever can be coming our way? The right gear? The right skills? Enough ammo? …
Getting Out Of Dodge
Getting Out Of Dodge Many folks plan their bug out gear and location to the tiniest detail but forget about the actual getting there part! The photo above pictures the roadways out of Houston just prior to hurricane Rita. A good bug out plan aka getting out of dodge plan includes preparations for the possibilities …
MIY Biltong
MIY Biltong Biltong is a variation of dried meat similar to jerky only the recipe is from the Dutch settlers to South Africa. The meat is dried in fillets rather than strips and cut after drying rather than before like jerky. It is another survival way of preserving meat over the long term and can …
Field Dressing a Turkey
Field Dressing a Turkey Field dressing your prey after the hunt helps insure that as much as possible of your kill stays usable and makes it much easier to pack out of the woods and back to your home or camp. In a SHTF scenario many who don’t currently hunt may have no choice but …
Personal Camouflage
Personal Camouflage Good camouflage has more to it than just wearing camo pants and shirt! There are more considerations to think about from shine to smell. If you’re in a hunting scenario you learn these tricks when your prey avoids you and you realize you must do something different. But if you’re in a SHTF …
Avoiding And Treating Hypothermia
Avoiding And Treating Hypothermia People who live in areas with lots of snowfall and below freezing temperatures understand how to prevent hypothermia, but I was surprised to find how many were so good at the avoidance portion of this post that they had never actually treated anyone for it, and some had no idea how! It …
20 Tells That Expose Concealed Carry
20 Tells That Expose Concealed Carry We never provide information with the intent of it being misused to commit crimes or avoid being taken into lawful custody. In this case knowing how to tell if someone is carrying a concealed weapon when you are in a bad situation or just in the wrong place at the …
Canine Bug Out Bag
Canine Bug Out Bag Many of us have pets that are like family. However, when it comes to bugging out, we do consider them but often don’t realize they too need a bug out bag! If it is light enough and your canine is capable and willing to carry his/her own so much the better. I …
Why Have a Survival Cache?
Why Have a Survival Cache? Even if You Plan to Bug In There is always a lot of banter on prepping, homesteading, and survival sites about survival caches. Most of the time the talk revolves around having a cache or two along the way from your home to your bug out location and/or between your workplace and …