40 Unconventional Uses for WD-40 I am by no means a mechanic nor a carpenter. So, until reading the article, I stood by the if it moves and it shouldn’t use duct tape and if it doesn’t move and it should then use WD-40 rule! I had never considered some of the uses listed in …
Category: Prepping
Prepping Points
Prepping Points Just about everyone knows what is needed to make it through a 72-hour scenario. Hopefully that is all we will ever face. But this has been shown not to always be the case. New Orleans is still recovering from hurricane Katrina and there are still displaced families all these years later. It is …
14 Off Grid DIY Projects
14 Off Grid DIY Projects Everyone not just preppers and homesteaders want to lower or if you’re really determined eliminate your utility bills. Not everyone worries about the day when power and water may not be available at the turn of a nob or the flip of a switch. We all should be, but truth …
Prepping Without Money
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Prepping Without Money Truthfully, I believe the featured article is more intended for the longer-term prepper. For the new prepper having a fully stocked pantry and all the other rational supplies may not yet be a goal reached. I agree with the author of the featured article that self-reliance …
Practice Tactical Clearing
Practice Tactical Clearing We see bits and pieces of tactical clearing on television shows all the time. But no one talks about how to do it and how to practice this technique for home use during or after a SHTF event. Knowing your own homes layout viewed from the point of an intruder should be …
Principles of Self-Sufficiency
Principles of Self-Sufficiency Self-sufficiency actually means different things to different people depending on their individual situations. To one of my daughters, it means supporting herself and her child without assistance from anyone. To another child it means being able to live away from home on her own, and to yet another it means being able to …
When to Start Planting
When to Start Planting Deciding when to start planting vegetable Seeds depends on your climate and conditions — and the vegetable itself. Vegetables differ not only in size, color, shape, and taste, but also in their preferred growing conditions. There are two groups: cool season and warm season. PLANTING COOL SEASON VEGGIES… Cool-season vegetables grow …
Personal & Situational Awareness
Personal & Situational Awareness (2 links) When we get in our own homes, neighborhood, or community we are in our zone and our personal awareness tends to decrease substantially. This is natural it’s our own stomping grounds. But we still need to enter and leave that zone in code yellow to ensure our situation is …
DIY Waterproof Attire (Including Shoes)
DIY Waterproof Attire (Including Shoes) No one wants to be wet and cold, that is just a fact. However, you also can’t purchase everything you wear already waterproofed! If the disaster scenario that turns our world upside down is widespread there could be a scenario where waterproof anything isn’t available anymore. Especially if your plan A …
Get Your HAM Radio License in a Week!
Get Your HAM Radio License in a Week! Being a HAM operator is something the majority of us agree would be ideal during a time of crisis long or short term, local or global, any time communications are interrupted or down. Information is not only the key to surviving in some situations but needed for …