Some posts may contain affiliate links. Basic Survival At Home Many silent preppers are planning on bugging in. Hunkering down by choice isn’t always as well documented or discussed on most prepping sites as is bugging out and sheltering in place on a temporary basis. There are a ton of reason people are choosing to ride out …
Category: Prepping
DIY Solar Panels with Pop-Cans
DIY Solar Panels with Pop-Cans I would have thought that building a solar heater would have been a huge undertaking. But as it turns out, it’s not as hard as you might think! The featured article below shows the step-by-step instructions using recycled soda, pop or even beer cans! Who would have thought that pop-cans could …
1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs
1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs The featured article speaks to an old eye salve that is said to actually work wonders on infections like MRSA which are usually antibiotic resistant. Researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK found the remedy in a 9th century they were translating in hopes of …
Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes
Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes Like with most things in life prepping can be a live and learn proposition. However, unlike many other life lessons, you may not get the chance to change the plan or get a re-do as the only mistake could be the only one that mattered. So, in this instance we …
Budget Home-Defense Techniques from a Green Beret
Budget Home-Defense Techniques from a Green Beret I recently read a post online from a woman who was hopping mad. Someone had put a rock threw her window in order to gain access to her home unaware that she was at home. She announced that she intended to sit and wait for this person to …
Food Preservation And Sustainability
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Food Preservation And Sustainability One of the most important parts of prepping or homesteading is sustainability. You can save and store a huge number of supplies only to have them wiped out in a disaster, taken from you by marauders or confiscated and eventually no matter how much you …
10 Basics For Your Armorer’s Kit
10 Basics For Your Armorer’s Kit Almost every prepper site talks about having a personal armory for the day when you must hunt for food and or protect yourself and your family from those who would take what you have or simply want to do harm. But they don’t talk about the fact that just …
DIY Cheese Waxing
DIY Cheese Waxing DIY cheese waxing sounds like a really bizarre process, doesn’t it?!? But once the cheese is incased in the wax it can store for years without getting moldy. Personally, a world without cheese to me is a personal SHTF scenario. I love cheese on or in just about everything. Not only does it …
Keyhole Gardening
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Keyhole Gardening Keyhole gardening is not only an attractive way to grow your harvest but a very viable option in warmer climates. They have been the preferred method of gardens in spots like Africa where climates are hot and dry because they hold water so well and are able …
What Can’t Safely Be Canned?
What Can’t Safely Be Canned? I know when I first began canning, I wanted to can EVERYTHING! I still re-can things I purchase in bulk down to meal size portions. But I have learned over the years and fortunately without any ill effects that not everything cans well. Not only do some things not can …