Category: Prepping

Footwear for Your Emergency Kit

Footwear for Your Emergency Kit I can’t think of a single emergency situation that having a good pair of boots or at least hard soled shoes (flats) immediately handy wouldn’t be a blessing. All kinds of disasters leave debris of some kind, hot coals, broken glass, structural nails and wood pieces, shards of concrete, water …

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Prepping Lessons Learned In Hawaii

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Prepping Lessons Learned In Hawaii The featured article is one person’s learning experiences about prepping while living in Hawaii. Prepping is different in Hawaii than on the mainland United States for a number of reasons. First of course because it is a tropical climate, it’s an island, and even …

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DIY Rotation Can Storage

DIY Rotation Can Storage I have seen a number of DIY rotation can storage units in the last couple of years. Most of them are free standing and I simply don’t have the space for the majority of them. This one however fits into your already existing pantry! It looks custom and professional, so it …

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Prepping for the Elderly

Prepping for the Elderly Every age group has a different set of needs in prepping. Like anything else in life, what we need changes as we grow and age. The same preps that were fine for us in our 20s are not the same as those needed by the same person now in their 50s. …

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Stockpiling Can Be Deemed Illegal

Stockpiling Can Be Deemed Illegal (3 links) We hear bits and pieces about the possibility of official confiscation of our supplies. Many people consider hoarding and prepping as the same thing! There are two very very different cultures and done for very different reasons. Prepping is a responsible life choice to ensure your quality of …

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DIY Track Bike

DIY Track Bike This is an awesome DIY project vehicle! Imagine going off road in this! Not only is it usable on the roadways but with the tracks it can also carry you through rough off-road terrain. If you are looking for a play vehicle this is the most unusual one out there and with …

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Pedal-Powered Washer

Pedal-Powered Washer If there is a long term SHTF event that leaves us without power, we will be busy folks trying to provide for ourselves and our families without power. An off-gird washer can make our lives a lot easier under those conditions. There are a lot of small devices that work well and are …

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Purple Paint Law

Purple Paint Law This law has been in force for some years in Missouri, but I admit this was the first I had heard of it! I think truthfully, it’s an awesome idea and I am glad to hear other states are adapting at least a portion of it. Now in Missouri a purple square on …

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How and Where To Set Early Warning Trip Wires

How and Where To Set Early Warning Trip Wires Security is one of the major issues for all citizens in all parts of the world these days. Not just for preppers or during a SHTF event. Not everyone has access to security systems or even weapons. So how do you protect yourself from those that …

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Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home

Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home Knowing How to Can, Freeze, Dry and Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home is a must know for anyone living on a budget, wants to take advantage of sales, has a garden, is homesteading or prepping for a day when there isn’t enough to go around to feed …

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