Category: MIY

MIY Four Thieves Oil

MIY Four Thieves Oil Four thieves oil is an extremely powerful disinfectant/antibacterial which is believed to stop illnesses like the plague from spreading! There are other recipes for this mixture that are meant to be taken orally, I did not include them because they are too risky to ingest. Some of the ingredients are well …

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Fire Cider Recipe and Use

Fire Cider Recipe and Use My first reaction to this recipe was “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!” The all most powerful of the healing foods are within this one concoction. With the exceptions of the horseradish and the jalapeno peppers I actually like all the individual ingredients. I admit that I however, cringe at …

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Making Amish Black Salve

Making Amish Black Salve Many of us are following the lead of the Amish when it comes to making our own products particularly preppers who are concerned for a day when those products will be unavailable store bought and homesteaders who often live very simply do it yourself lifestyles. The Amish black salve is known …

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Why MIY Wine

Why MIY Wine I share enough wine recipes with you all that I know you must wonder if my pantry looks like a winery! LOL It doesn’t. I am actually not a wine connoisseur at all. I prefer a cooler or cocktail. But I do recognize the benefits of knowing how and occasionally making my …

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Use The Cob! (Corn Cob Wine and Jelly Recipes)

Use The Cob! (Corn Cob Wine and Jelly Recipes) I wish I had come across these recipes sooner! Corn on the cob is one of the traditions in my household for thanksgiving and I had a huge bundle for my recycle bin this year. Truth be told corn on the cob is a favorite of …

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33 Awesome DIY Projects

33 Awesome DIY Projects I love this quote from the featured article: DiY skills may one day turn a tinkering hobby into life-saving knowledge. Turning book knowledge into useful stuff takes initiative. I strongly believe it to be true. I have learned a lot of things that later became useful in daily life from hobbies …

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MIY Beef Bologna

MIY Beef Bologna My son goes through lunch meat including bologna, like nobody’s business! The ability to make it myself and ensure the quality of ingredient will not only save money in the long run but make me feel as a parent a whole lot better about letting him eat all the sandwiches he wants. …

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MIY Dehydrated Broth

MIY Dehydrated Broth This is just an awesome tutorial! No bottled, canned, or pre-dehydrated store-bought broth is as good as homemade. I always have frozen any leftover homemade broth I have and am always sad to see the last of it used. Then until I get a chance to make another batch, I use the dehydrated …

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7 Steps to MIY Wine Out of Anything

7 Steps to MIY Wine Out of Anything Wine is a great barter item. Alcohol has been used for generations for all kinds of celebrations, ceremonies, and occasions. The hope for some sort of normalcy and the desire for what is often considered a luxury will be as strong after a SHTF event as it is …

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Preparing The Golden Antibiotic

Preparing The Golden Antibiotic The ingredients in the golden antibiotic are all individually very helpful as an antibiotic and actually help some people prevent illness and assist with other illnesses traditionally treated by an antibiotic. I use Echinacea as a preventive and when I am stricken with a mild infection and honey always helps me with …

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