Category: MIY

The Unparalleled Benefits of Turmeric

The Unparalleled Benefits of Turmeric From Wikipedia re: turmeric: When not used fresh, the rhizomes are boiled for about 30–45 minutes and then dried in hot ovens, after which they are ground into a deep orange-yellow powder commonly used as a spice in Indian cuisine and curries for dyeing  and to impart color to mustard condiments. One active ingredient …

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Russian Tea Cold and Flu Preventative

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Russian Tea Cold and Flu Preventative I admit to having a jar of the lower class version or Russian tea made with non organic ingredients in my cupboard, The author of the featured article is correct in that the taste of fresh ingredients can’t be imitated or captured in …

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MIY Alcohol Fuel

MIY Alcohol Fuel After a major SHTF there will be no international trade and the flow of gasoline will cease. Even if you reside in a country that produces gas.The refineries will stop operating as those that ran it will be busy trying to survive just like the rest of us. For awhile we will …

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Disinfecting With MIY (make it yourself) Bleach

Disinfecting With MIY Bleach Everyone is aware of the benefits of cleaning and disinfecting surfaces with bleach. Very few products kill germs and viruses as well as bleach. Preppers and others interested in clean safe drinkable water storage are aware that water will store safely longer with a bit of bleach added to the container. …

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36 Easy Dehydrator Recipes

36 Easy Dehydrator Recipes My first dehydrator was actually a gift. I thought wow what a neat little kitchen nicety to have, I will make a batch of jerky now and again. LOL once started I purchased my second dehydrator to run along side the first. I found I could do so much more than …

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MIY Home Brewed Beer

MIY Home Brewed Beer I love homemade products! I love that you can make them to your own unique special tastes and label them as your specialty blend. But I never thought beer could be one of those products. I always thought that you must purchase a brewery kit and a lot of special ingredients. I …

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MIY Rennet

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Rennet Rennet is an essential part of the cheese making process. It is what make the milk separate while still fresh creating the curds and whey for cheese. It’s an enzyme found in the stomachs of mammals which allows them to digest milk. It can also be found and made …

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21 Things a Prepper Should Save

21 Things a Prepper Should Save Preppers and homesteaders are well known for turning what others might view as trash to a life saving survival tool. The featured article gives you a list of 21 things that can be used in this manner. The article says they are things that a prepper should NEVER throw …

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Herbal Treatments – Mullein Information & Recipes

Herbal Treatments – Mullein Information & Recipes Like everyone else I have seen mullein (Verbascum thapsus) otherwise known as the candle flower growing along side the roadways and simply assumed it was a rather pretty but worthless weed. I was wrong! I am amazed by the uses for this plant! Mullein is best known among herbal practitioners …

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MIY Crock Pot Soap

MIY Crock Pot Soap As a teenager I began making homemade soap as a neat little gift for friends and family. Even back then I realized the benefits or all natural products and understood the value of handmade goods. I liked the idea of producing something unique and different from the store bought and mass …

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