Category: MIY

9 Healing Herbs

9 Healing Herbs We all know that eating well has a direct effect on our health. Many of us are beginning to also understand that herbs can make as big a difference to our health as can what our main dish is and medications both OTC and prescribed can. There are some herbs that work …

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MIY Polymer Gel

MIY Polymer Gel I love this trick for helping your plants stay moist. Be sure when you do this that you do it only as a favor for those plants that appreciate moist soil. Some plants aren’t as water hungry as others! I also like the unconventional use of an everyday item. I wouldn’t think …

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MIY Canned Chicken (Stores 3+ yrs!)

MIY Canned Chicken I must be honest and say I don’t much care for commercially processed meat products, including chicken. But I do like and eat chicken. Meat is an important source of protein especially for those who live in areas where the growing season is shorter, and the availability of plant-based protein products is …

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MIY De-Icer & Ice Preventative

MIY De-Icer & Ice Preventative I don’t live in an area where there is a lot of snow or ice anymore. But I did grow up in such an area. So I do know how much time can be spent scrapping and chipping away at the ice on your vehicle windows. Under those conditions anything …

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Make It Yourself Dehydrated Potato Flakes

MIY Dehydrated Potato Flakes Especially if you don’t have a root cellar this is an awesome way of storing your potato harvest. They can then be stored ready to make quickly and they take very little room to store. Yes, it is more work initially than just buying a box of potato flakes at the …

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Turn Waste Paper into Heating Fuel

Turn Waste Paper into Heating Fuel Probably everyone at one time or another has burned paper in a fire. As you saw it didn’t last long or really put off enough heat to do much of anything. More of a fire starting material than an actual heating fuel. Before this special project anyway! This make …

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Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish

Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish Preserving protein sources like meat and fish will be a crucial skill during a SHTF scenario. There are situations where pressure canning, freezing or dehydrating meats will not be an option, but you will need that protein desperately to keep yourself and your family or group healthy. The dietary …

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MIY Elderberry Anti-Oxidant Syrup

MIY Elderberry Anti-Oxidant Syrup

MIY Elderberry Anti-Oxidant Syrup       If your immune system is weak or if you have children this post could be of great interest to you! This year’s flu is rumored to be especially harsh. Every body can use a boost during the cold and flu season to maintain good health. The more natural …

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Essential Oils For Cold and Flu

Essential Oils For Cold and Flu It is that time of year. Colds and flu are lurking everywhere just waiting to jump into our nasal and chest cavities.  It almost seems as though these viruses actually hunt for weakened immune systems to attack. Unless you plan to remain almost entirely in quarantine for the season there …

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MIY Bacon

Some posts may contain affiliate links MIY Bacon To some of us, myself included, no bacon is a SHTF event! 😛 Seriously this thinly sliced commonly known as a  breakfast meat has become the duct tape of choice by cooks just about every where. It has its own unique processing method. Its first cured then smoked. As …

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