Category: MIY

MIY Seed Pots

MIY Seed Pots The weather is looking better and better out there now. I saw a great article on The Gardening Channel on Making Your Own Seed Pots that I thought you might like, and so I’ve listed it below. Making seed pots out of old newspapers is not only a thrifty use of the …

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Dandelion Jelly

Dandelion Jelly Makes abt 6 half pints or 3 pints Pick at least 10 cups of dandelion blossoms. Snip off base of each flower until you have just yellow petals. You need to end up with 4 cups petals. It is ok if there are little bits of green. Pour boiling water over the petals. …

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Recipes for 5 MIY Sodas Updated to 8!

Recipes for 5 MIY Sodas Updated to 8! When I was a kid, my dad made his own homemade root beer. With young taste buds and a kid’s attitude regarding homemade anything… I didn’t appreciate it the way I should have. It seemed way cooler to have a bottle of store-bought sugar water! Now older …

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MIY Salt from Seawater

MIY Salt from Seawater Ok, I admit when I first saw this article, I thought… “Well, you just gather the saltwater and let it sit, until it the water evaporates… duh” But then I thought a little longer and wiser and realized just because its seawater doesn’t make it pure by any means! I wouldn’t just …

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Stop Shopping and MIY Items

Stop Shopping and MIY Items I know I have removed more than 5 items from my own shopping list by MIY (make it yourself). If you make it yourself, I am sure you have too! But if you’re new to the MIY process, then these might be the first 5 items you too could scratch off …

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Flu Buster Stew

Flu Buster Stew We hear a lot of home remedies that people swear by. I have a few of my own. Some are passed down generation to generation. Some of those passed down have been looked at by medical researchers and found to actually have a medically valid mixture of ingredients that can help with …

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MIY Yeast or Extend Your Supply

MIY Yeast or Extend Your Supply (Recipe for extending yeast supply and link to making it from scratch) Yeast is a very basic supply needed to make a number of the foods we love and use daily. Foods that might not be available for purchase if the lines of supply are blocked or the stores cease to …

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Safely Eating Blue Elderberries

Safely Eating Blue Elderberries Growing up we did a bunch of berry picking for my mother. She made jams, jellies, preserves and pies that were so awesome that my brothers still fuss over who gets the leftovers to take home! My sister and I have both learned to make our own, so we giggle a …

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MIY Biltong

 MIY Biltong Biltong is a variation of dried meat similar to jerky only the recipe is from the Dutch settlers to South Africa. The meat is dried in fillets rather than strips and cut after drying rather than before like jerky. It is another survival way of preserving meat over the long term and can …

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Re-Learning Survival Methods From the 1800s

Re-Learning Survival Methods From the 1800s Many believe in a worldwide disaster that could be considered a TEOTWAWKI event will throw mankind back into the 1800s. In some ways I believe they could be correct. If such a horrific event were to occur, humans would suddenly be without the modern methods they are accustomed to …

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