Category: MIY

What Can’t be Canned?

What Can't be Canned?

What Can’t be Canned? Learning what can’t be safely canned is almost as important as learning how to can what can be canned. It is especially difficult for the new canner as he/she has the bug and wants to can everything they lay hands on! Some items just simply can’t be safely preserved by this …

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MIY Watermelon Jerky Aka Fruit Leather

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Watermelon Jerky Aka Fruit Leather The instructions for watermelon jerky given in this featured article is what we here in the Northern part of the US call fruit leathers. It can be applied to a number of different fruits and is a particular favorite In children’s lunch boxes. Much …

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MIY Dehydrated Garlic

MIY Dehydrated Garlic Nothing beats fresh minced garlic except when you’re in a hurry! My family does love its garlic, but I don’t always have time to run outside and pull a bulb from the garden, clean it up, peel and mince it when I need it. And as I said my family loves garlic …

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MIY Hard Cider

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Hard Cider Yes, you can indeed make your own tasty hard cider that is not only easy to make but puts the store-bought version to shame! Once you try it, I am told you will never be satisfied with the commercially brewed version again. It is touted to …

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Simple MIY House Slippers

Simple MIY House Slippers I of course can’t speak to anyone’s household other than my own and we go through a lot of house slippers! I hate having grass clippings left from the bagging mower, dirt, rainwater, etc… tracked through my home on my kid’s shoes. But especially in the spring, fall, and winter the …

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Why & How to MIY Medicinal Pickled Garlic

Why & How to MIY Medicinal Pickled Garlic Garlic is well known for its incredible flavor when infused in your food and for its extraordinary healing powers and an antibiotic. It also does wonders for flus and colds. This makes it a very popular herb root to have on hand. One method of keeping viable and …

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MIY Compact Survival Kit

MIY Compact Survival Kit This little make it yourself kit is really kind of neat! Its base is a 5″x2″ empty red pepper flakes container. This is small enough to fit just about anywhere from, handbag, briefcase, to glove box yet versatile enough to hold 78 small items that could be of use in a number …

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DIY Projects Using Cinder Blocks

DIY Projects Using Cinder Blocks Using everyday items in an unusual manner is one of my favorite things. I love the creativity and honestly shock value of the unexpected. But using cinder blocks? This surprised me! I always thought they were only for building! See what else they can be used for at the link …

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MIY Watermelon Moonshine

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Watermelon Moonshine Watermelon summer’s most juicy fruit treat and moonshine! Oh, must be too good to be true! Even if you aren’t currently one to have a cocktail now and again, spirits are a good barter item that will come in handy in just about every SHTF scenario as there will always …

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MIY Dandelion Moonshine

MIY Dandelion Moonshine I no longer see the lowly dandelion as a weed! I am constantly amazed by its creative edible uses! It grows wild everywhere and for years we have fought to rid our lawns and gardens of it. I no longer fight the dandelion I embrace it as another of mother nature’s gifts. …

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