Category: Medical

Wound Debridement Post SHTF

Wound Debridement Post SHTF Wound debridement is ugly all the way around. The wound is ugly, the process is ugly. So, if you have a queasy stomach be warned the featured link on debridement of wounds is a bit graphic. But the subject ugly or not, is imperative to learn about for post SHTF medical …

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Shoulder Dislocations Post SHTF

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Shoulder Dislocations Post SHTF Shoulder dislocations are a painful injury no matter if it is pre or post SHTF. But post disaster event we are going to need all hands on deck and a dislocated shoulder would have to be taken care of ASAP not just to relieve the …

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The Effective Survival Medic

Some posts may contain affiliate links. The Effective Survival Medic No wants to think they will need the group medic during a disaster scenario or after a major SHTF. No one wants to or plans to be hurt, especially if there isn’t access to our regular medical care providers. Not every group has their own …

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Hepatitis Post SHTF

Hepatitis Post SHTF I believe that hepatitis will become one of the most prevalent and dangerous illnesses we will face post SHTF. It’s an illness which in one of it’s many forms plagues our population even in today’s world. Questions include, what kind of hepatitis are we facing in a particular patient, how can we …

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Natural Painkiller Similar to Morphine in Your Backyard

Natural Painkiller Similar to Morphine in Your Backyard Post SHTF when there may not be accessibility to much needed medication this knowledge will be invaluable. What you need could be as close as your backyard. For Post SHTF only! Even then it is a remedy that I recommend you not use without professional medical advice …

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Herbal Teas for Medical Treatment

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Herbal Teas for Medical Treatment Most pharmaceuticals began as herbal remedies. So never assume just because it’s “natural” it’s safe. Always speak to your doctor or if need be, your pharmacist before using any herbal treatment. There can be unforeseen contradictions and drug interactions with medications or other herbs …

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Heading for the Hills: Dealing with Mountain Sickness

Heading for the Hills: Dealing with Mountain Sickness Whether your plan A or B is to bug out, or if you should be driven out by a disaster, many folks who currently live at or below sea level will be moving up hill as fast as they can. This includes me! For most the higher …

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Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans

 Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans There is just something so open and innocent about most animals. Though I am the first to say there are some that I personally feel might be just a wee bit evil and scary! I am sure that without a doubt that is my own prejudice being projected on …

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Basic Mass Casualty Triage

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Basic Mass Casualty Triage In recent times across the world there have been a number of mass casualty incidents. From mass shootings, to nature’s wrath we have seen these tragedies play out around us. We see the aftermath of police, national guards, EMTs and other first responders rushing to …

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Tips for Fighting and Avoiding the Flu

Tips for Fighting and Avoiding the Flu This year’s flu season has been particularly bad. With several deaths attributed to the virus and reaching almost pandemic proportions in some regions of the country. It’s definitely something we want to avoid for ourselves, businesses, and families. The featured blog linked below from HomeTalk gives us some …

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