Category: Medical

Home Remedies for Earaches & Ear Infections

Home Remedies for Earaches & Ear Infections Earaches are the worst! Painful, distracting, causing sleepless nights and if the one suffering from the earache is a child their sleeplessness leads to your not sleeping either!  First and foremost, you want the pain to stop and any infection to be dealt with before it gets worse. …

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MIY Four Thieves Oil

MIY Four Thieves Oil Four thieves oil is an extremely powerful disinfectant/antibacterial which is believed to stop illnesses like the plague from spreading! There are other recipes for this mixture that are meant to be taken orally, I did not include them because they are too risky to ingest. Some of the ingredients are well …

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20 Unconventional Uses for VapoRub

20 Unconventional Uses for VapoRub As a child the aroma of vaporub used to waft through our home late fall to early spring. Someone in the household during those months always was suffering from congestion and mom had the humidifier going with the vaporub filling the top container.It was then and still is now in …

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Fire Cider Recipe and Use

Fire Cider Recipe and Use My first reaction to this recipe was “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!” The all most powerful of the healing foods are within this one concoction. With the exceptions of the horseradish and the jalapeno peppers I actually like all the individual ingredients. I admit that I however, cringe at …

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Making Amish Black Salve

Making Amish Black Salve Many of us are following the lead of the Amish when it comes to making our own products particularly preppers who are concerned for a day when those products will be unavailable store bought and homesteaders who often live very simply do it yourself lifestyles. The Amish black salve is known …

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Medical Survival Tips

Medical Survival Tips Medical tips are among my favorites. I am not an aspiring doctor or wanna be medic of any sort. But I do use a doctor regularly and figure if I do so do a lot of other people. Doctors, nurses and any kind of first responder experience will be a premium skill …

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Setting Broken Bones with a Emergency Splint

Setting Broken Bones with a Emergency Splint In the event of an emergency where you have suddenly become the first or only responder there are some basic medical procedures, we all should know. CPR being the first and most likely to be needed by the average person. But after a disaster of any kind where …

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A-Z Herbal Remedies

A-Z Herbal Remedies In times of poverty one of the things that goes first into the luxury category is over the counter treatments. It is also one of the first resources eaten up by a disaster situation and this can be a scenario as close as the community down the street from you or in …

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Home Remedies That Help Wounds Heal Faster

Home Remedies That Help Wounds Heal Faster As always we never recommend that you use a home remedy to treat yourself or anyone else for any possibly serious injury if professional medical assistance is or soon will be available. Always err on the side of caution But for minor wounds especially with children when a …

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Duct Tape Uses

Duct Tape Uses A very common phrase in my home is if it is suppose to move and doesn’t use WD-40 and if it isn’t suppose to move and does, break out the duct tape! Duct tape has become so popular for so many crafts and on the fly fixes it now comes in all colors and lots …

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