DIY Oilskin Tarps From Sheets! Oilskin tarps tend to be much lighter than their heavier dense polyester counter parts and hold up better than the plastic knock offs. So, if you’re planning on bugging in or out the light weight plus water proofing of these tarps makes it much lighter to store and if necessary, …
Category: Frugal
Safely Eating Blue Elderberries
Safely Eating Blue Elderberries Growing up we did a bunch of berry picking for my mother. She made jams, jellies, preserves and pies that were so awesome that my brothers still fuss over who gets the leftovers to take home! My sister and I have both learned to make our own, so we giggle a …
Convert Weed Eater to 12V Generator
Convert Weed Eater to 12V Generator If you have an older no longer useful weed eater this could be a good way to recycle it to a new useful repurpose. Later if the SHTF you have to think of which purpose would be more useful to you… a functioning weed eater or a 12V generator! …
DIY Solar Air Heater
DIY Solar Air Heater My first thought was what would I use a solar air heater for? Then as my mind clicked about randomly, I began to realize there are a number of excellent uses for a project like this one! Anything that uses warm air can by accomplished with this DIY heater. You could use …
Re-Learning Survival Methods From the 1800s
Re-Learning Survival Methods From the 1800s Many believe in a worldwide disaster that could be considered a TEOTWAWKI event will throw mankind back into the 1800s. In some ways I believe they could be correct. If such a horrific event were to occur, humans would suddenly be without the modern methods they are accustomed to …
Making Pemmican The Survival Super-Food
Making Pemmican The Survival Super-Food Pemmican is an old native American recipe that was used by their hunting and scouting parties during the long absences from their encampments. It provided nutrition to them even during times of famine. It’s relatively easy to make and if you don’t add berries or nuts as many folks do, it literally stores indefinitely. …
Setting Up Your 1st Bee Hive
Setting Up Your 1st Bee Hive Who doesn’t like honey? It’s a great survival food adding a bit of natural sweetness to your stores. Honey also has great medical benefits and an indefinite shelf life. Pharmaceutically it can be ingested or applied topically to enjoy the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Particularly good for sore throats and burns. After …
9 Healing Herbs
9 Healing Herbs We all know that eating well has a direct effect on our health. Many of us are beginning to also understand that herbs can make as big a difference to our health as can what our main dish is and medications both OTC and prescribed can. There are some herbs that work …
MIY Polymer Gel
MIY Polymer Gel I love this trick for helping your plants stay moist. Be sure when you do this that you do it only as a favor for those plants that appreciate moist soil. Some plants aren’t as water hungry as others! I also like the unconventional use of an everyday item. I wouldn’t think …
Organic Ways to get Rid of Squash Bugs
Organic Ways to get Rid of Squash Bugs There were quite a few of you asking how to get rid of Squash Bugs, as they came out in droves last season. The best way to treat them is by Natural (Organic) methods. I’ll list a few of those methods for you. Some of these methods …