Stop Shopping and MIY Items I know I have removed more than 5 items from my own shopping list by MIY (make it yourself). If you make it yourself, I am sure you have too! But if you’re new to the MIY process, then these might be the first 5 items you too could scratch off …
Category: Frugal
Grow Organically Without Pesticides
Grow Organically Without Pesticides Families are starting to become concerned with the use of chemicals and pesticides on the produce they get at the stores. They are starting their own Home Gardens in record numbers. They want to grow organically, without synthetic chemicals or pesticides, but how can they do this and keep the insect …
DIY Wool Boots
DIY Wool Boots Not just cute and practical but because YOU made them inexpensive! Reason enough to learn how to make them today. Add that after a SHTF event there aren’t going to be BOGO sales or shoe repair shops, but you will still need to protect your feet and it becomes even more …
Famine Menu-Limited Storage Plan
Famine Menu-Limited Storage Plan Again, we are using a phrase that appears to be an oxymoron. When there is famine how can you have a menu? Because you prepared! The menu featured in the linked article is a bare subsistence nutritionally balanced survival mode daily intake allowance. To stay alive, you must have fuel and …
DIY PCV Gravity Aquaponic Garden
DIY PCV Gravity Aquaponic Garden Aquaponic gardens are becoming more and more popular. I always say they are mini little eco systems and they are! So actually, aquaponic gardening has always been around, but we are just beginning to bring them into our small corners of the world… our homes and gardens. But building one …
Flu Buster Stew
Flu Buster Stew We hear a lot of home remedies that people swear by. I have a few of my own. Some are passed down generation to generation. Some of those passed down have been looked at by medical researchers and found to actually have a medically valid mixture of ingredients that can help with …
A Working Urban Farm
A Working Urban Farm I have always wanted to do an urban homestead or farm. I just always assumed I didn’t have enough property to do so! Wow has this family showed me I was wrong. With great planning and creativity, they have turned 1/10th of an acre into a working farm in an urban area. …
Straw Bale Gardening
Straw Bale Gardening Here is some info on this gardening method from a Joel Karsten out of Minnesota. From the pictures it looks like this works well. Looks like he puts about 3 inches of potting soil on top the Straw Bales to start Seeds in. Straw Bale Gardening is a simply a different type …
MIY Pine Pitch Glue
MIY Pine Pitch Glue After a SHTF event things we use every day and don’t even think about will become scarce. Things like tape, glue, thread, water proofing sprays, etc… If said disaster causes you and your family/group to be homeless building a new shelter will require some water proofing and more than likely a …
DIY Solar Furnace
DIY Solar Furnace Heat is necessity in most parts of the world for several months of the year. This DIY furnace project can save you cash today in normal times and could save you literally in times of crisis. This particular furnace would heat an average room only, but if you are handy and want to …