Caring For a Pandemic or Other Compromised Patient at Home

Caring For a Pandemic or Other Compromised Patient at Home

Caring For a Patient at Home

Collage: TPP

Many people are riding out illnesses at home these days both those stricken with covid-19 and other less serious illnesses. Factually it doesn’t really matter what your patient is suffering from, with the advent of the pandemic you need to be protected from them if it is covid-19, and they from you if it isn’t.

The best advice I personally can give you is not to give nor take any medication or home remedy without a doctor’s order, contact a doctor as soon as you can if you or someone in your home becomes ill so that they can monitor the patient’s progress and if a high fever or trouble breathing occurs to get medical assistance asap. If you are able obtain the equipment necessary to measure oxygen absorption and temperature and to protect you and them from cross infection.

However, during this time, both Pomona Hospitals and the Mayo Clinic are giving instructions for caring for both yourself and your patient at home. Although both articles include some of the same information both also have additional advice not listed in the other. See them linked below

Caring for Someone with COVID-19 at Home

Treating COVID-19 at home: Care tips for you and others


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