Building a Spider Shelter

Building a Spider Shelter

Building a Spider Shelter

Photo: Tillman Bauknight II

Shelter is a priority item in any disaster scenario. We tend to think of our first priority as being water. But factually the elements can and will take you out within 3 hours if they are harsh enough. Humans don’t have fur, or tough skin that can protect our cores from the cold or the heat. We also will benefit emotionally from a shelter as it adds that extra layer of protection and support from whatever the event has wrought upon us.

One method of building a shelter is the spider shelter. Now if you have ever watched any survival shows, the one that comes immediately to mind for me is Naked and Afraid. How many times have we watched the all important shelter collapse? Building a shelter isn’t as easy as it might appear.

So let’s learn how to build a spider shelter with the instructions from Survival Life linked below.

How to Build A Spider Shelter | A Survival Life Guide


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