Bugging Out with Pets

Bugging Out with Pets


Photos courtesy of Bing

For most of us who are animal lovers and have pets, they are members of the family. I wouldn’t even want to consider leaving them behind.

So I have prepared for them right along with all the other members of the group! I actually doubt my cat would be as complacent as the one pictured and would spend more time trying to get his back/fanny pack off then he would walking. So personally I have included his emergency items in my dog‘s backpack.

I do intend to get him a carrier that converts from backpack to rolling carrier so I can carry my own bug out bag and pull him along with me if necessary. I also have a dog leash that converts to a belt leash so it is hands free but my dog is still attached to me.

Be cautious of the weight in a pack you put on your pet, in an emergency situation they are already going to be excited and perhaps difficult and can’t tell you it’s too heavy for them! I also would recommend walking your dog now and again with the loaded pack on him/her so they aren’t additionally frightened by the pack it’s self and you can get a feel for how they react to the additional weight. For articles that discuss what you should carry for your pets safety continue reading at the titled 3 links below


Bugging out with pets

Bugging out with a dog

Cat Bug Out Bag


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