You’re at Your Bug Out Location…Now What?

You’re at Your Bug Out Location…Now What?

Your at Your Bug Out Location...Now What?

Photo from Radical Survivalism

You have your bug out location all set up. You have even spent a weekend or two there and found it to be quite comfortable. Even the in-laws and the kids enjoyed their time there. As soon as the crisis hit you and your family knew exactly what to do and where you were going. You made it through the event, the traffic, the riots, the road blocks, the debris and remained calm arriving safely. Now what? How do you begin your new life? What do you do about the security situation that seemed good enough before you saw what you and your family just witnessed? For a rather bleak but eye opening perspective on what to expect once arriving safely at your bug out location see the featured article below

Preppers: Okay You Made It to Your Bug Out Retreat Now What?


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