Budget Home-Defense Techniques from a Green Beret

Budget Home-Defense Techniques from a Green Beret

Budget Home-Defense Techniques

Photo: beealarmed

I recently read a post online from a woman who was hopping mad. Someone had put a rock threw her window in order to gain access to her home unaware that she was at home. She announced that she intended to sit and wait for this person to return and provide her own brand of justice. Now of course this was not the smart move for her to make for a couple of reasons. She publicly announced that she had weapons in her home making her a future target for those who want to obtain weapons either for themselves or to sell without going through the background checks required in our state or the cost of the weapon itself. She can’t sit in that rocker waiting for the would-be thieves to return forever!

Secondly, she publicly announced her intentions to do harm to this person whether she felt her life was threatened or not providing authorities with the only proof of premeditation they need should this person or another illegally enter her home and be brought to justice by the homeowner. (Right or wrong the law doesn’t allow deadly force unless you feel directly threatened)

Now she was fortunate enough that whoever attempted to enter her home was alerted by her that she was present at the time, and they high tailed it out of there. However, you can’t always count on the sound of breaking glass, or your door being kicked in to alert you of a home intruder. Nor can you depend completely on having that weapon in hand at the time you are confronted by a home intruder. No one I know walks around their home fully armed at all times! Everyone must bathe and sleep sometime! So how do you protect yourself and your home from a stealthier intruder without costing a small fortune?

Being on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t have an alarm system of your own! I actually know another woman who was saved from dealing with an intruder by something as simple as setting up a group of empty soda cans on her windowsill! When the window was breached, they fell, made a racket alerting her and scaring off the would-be bad guy!

We have more tips and techniques from a former green beret on doing that at the featured article below.

A Green Beret’s Guide To Low-Budget Home-Defense Techniques 101: “Early-Warning Systems and Fortifications”


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