Avoiding Drone Detection

Avoiding Drone Detection

avoiding Drone Detetion

Photo from survivopedia

The benefits for a privately owned drone during times of disaster or after a total SHTF event are evident. You would have the ability to scout a much larger area in much less time and without putting yourself or another group member in harms way. If the terrain is particularly difficult they can see what you might not be able to get to and act as an early warning system for unfriendly persons approaching your area.

However, as with almost every item in the world it can be used for good or evil. So the same technology that can work for you in those scenarios can also work against you. You could be sought out by marauders looking to do you harm or forcibly take your supplies. It could also be used by non friendly troops to locate hold outs and wayward civilians  or those from the government who might want to confiscate your supplies. So knowing how to avoid being detected by a drone is a skill we should learn. See how at the link

How to Hide from Drones/Thermal Imaging


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