Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes

Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes

 Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes

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Like with most things in life prepping can be a live and learn proposition. However, unlike many other life lessons, you may not get the chance to change the plan or get a re-do as the only mistake could be the only one that mattered. So, in this instance we must adapt our plans as the world changes and learn from the mistakes that are made by others.

None of us can be an expert on everything. We must therefore learn bits and pieces from those who are more accomplished or experienced than we are in some areas of preparing for disasters. There are common mistakes made by a number of people that are avoidable if they are aware of them.

The featured article lists some of those prepping errors and how we might avoid them. Check them out, better to know they are errors we haven’t made then to learn too late that they are mistakes we could have avoided.

6 Mistakes People Make When Prepping (And How to Avoid Them)


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