Author's posts
Surviving a Nuclear Blast
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Surviving a Nuclear Blast In a world where terrorists or small states may be able to muster a 1-10 kiloton nuclear attack, a prudent individual might find it worthwhile to decide a course of action ahead of time. Brian Dodson As the generation born in the 50s and …
Natural Remedies for Pink Eye
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Natural Remedies for Pink Eye I had pink eye once as a child and do recall it was extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant! I was medically treated with eye drops that cleared it up in just a few days. But what if you are in a situation where getting medical …
Jin Shin Jyutsu Via the Hand
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Jin Shin Jyutsu Via the Hand Jin Shin Jyutsu relies upon the pressure points of the body in an area believed to be linked to a particular organ’s health. It is a big part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been in practice for centuries. I will be honest and tell …
16 Survival & Self-Reliance Uses For Sticky Pine Sap
Some posts may contain affiliate links. 16 Survival & Self-Reliance Uses For Sticky Pine Sap I knew about using pine sap as pine pitch. I had not thought of the other 15 uses! It can be a bit difficult to harvest and thank goodness the featured article also give advice on how to do that …
The Ultimate Knot Reference
Some posts may contain affiliate links. The Ultimate Knot Reference If like me you are a visual hands on learner, you will love this featured link! You can actually watch the animated tying of the knot. Much easier for me to learn when I don’t have to keep going back to a written reference and …
Interactive NukeMap
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Interactive NukeMap Ever wonder just what the aftermath of a nuclear explosion would be in your specific area? Would you be in the blast zone considered part of ground zero or in the fall out zone? What are the zones? What can you expect? Thermal effects, ionizing radiation, or …
15 PVC Pipe Projects
Some posts may contain affiliate links. 15 PVC Pipe Projects I enjoy PCV pipe projects! The material is light weight and easy to use. It’s versatile enough that there is almost nothing you can’t make with it! And when you are done, it is so easy to pick up and carry away with you or for …
Surviving Hostage Situations & Terrorist Attacks
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Surviving Hostage Situations & Terrorist Attacks On November 13, (2015) members of the Islamic State killed 130 people in terror attacks in Paris, France, 89 of which were held hostage in a theater. A week later, Islamic gunmen took 170 hostages in a Mali hotel. Seeing situations like this in the …
17 Natural Sunburn Treatments
Some posts may contain affiliate links 17 Natural Sunburn Treatments Don’t let your fun in the sun this summer be ruined by sunburn pain this season. The first step to preventing sunburn is sun block natural or purchased. We all want to look tanned and healthy but not lobster red and feeling like our skin is …
MIY Echinacea Tincture
Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Echinacea Tincture I love Echinacea! It is my favorite herbal remedy. In the featured article from Reformation Acres talks about making your own tincture for the primary reason of boosting your immune system and helping you recover from colds quicker. However, I am of the opinion (from my …