Author's posts
Transform Logs and Stumps to Planters
Transform Logs and Stumps to Planters I love the quaint rustic look of these planters. I also rather see them as double duty! I would grow veggies or another edible landscape plant and then after harvest when they would no longer looks so charming, chop the log and use it as heat for the colder …
Survival Protein – MIY Tofu
Survival Protein – MIY Tofu Ok, I know tofu is a favorite of very few people! But it is extremely high in protein and much easier to disguise and feed your family than you might think. You say tofu and all of my children who are now adults still screw their faces up and mutter …
Thin Flexible Material Turns Surfaces Into a Solar Panel
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Thin Flexible Material Turns Surfaces Into a Solar Panel As you know I am a big fan of renewable alternative energy sources. So I find this news very exciting and hope that this product will hit the market at a reasonable affordable price for consumers. I do find it …
20 Pioneer Westward Bound Recipes
Some posts may contain affiliate links. 20 Pioneer Westward Bound Recipes You might see the pioneer westward bound push almost like a bug out of sorts. They headed off into the wilderness with hopes of finding safe haven and a more prosperous future at the end of their journey. The modern conveniences of today were …
50 Ways to Eat from Your Pantry When There is No Grocery Money Or Grocery Shelves are Empty
Some posts may contain affiliate links. 50 Ways to Eat from Your Pantry When There is No Grocery Money Or Grocery Shelves are Empty As unemployment rises and the cost of food also increases, more and more people are finding themselves in this unfortunate position. You’ve paid the utilities and either the mortgage or rent …
DIY Survival Cement/Cob Bricks
Some posts may contain affiliate links. DIY Survival Cement/Cob Bricks In almost any SHTF crisis this will be handy knowledge to have! Concrete or cement will be difficult to obtain due to the amount of structural damage done to buildings and structures, or in a total TEOTWAWKI scenario, is simply won’t be produced any longer. …
The Best Jobs To Have During Economic Collapse
Some posts may contain affiliate links. The Best Jobs To Have During Economic Collapse As we watch economies across the globe collapse and the desperation it is causing, more of us are preparing for those economic problems. The majority of those trying to prepare are aware that government programs are not going to save them …
Simple Spices to Assist With Alzheimer Disease
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Simple Spices to Assist With Alzheimer Disease It only makes sense to me if you can eat yourself sick you should be able eat yourself back into better health. No simple diet will prevent a disease. But a bad diet can aid an illness in taking over your …
Tips to Squeeze that Extra Storage Out of Your Kitchen
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Tips to Squeeze that Extra Storage Out of Your Kitchen I have noted that no matter how many square feet I own or rent, that it never seems to be enough storage room! So I am always drawn to articles that give us clever storage tips. I also tend to …