Author's posts
Long-Term Disasters Some Terrifying Truths
Long-Term Disasters Some Terrifying Truths Some people don’t prepare for disasters because they don’t see how bad it could become. They really believe that the government programs with save them from going without basic necessities like drinkable water, food, medical care, shelter, etc.. What they don’t always realize is that in a long term disaster, …
SHTF Friendly Hobbies
Some posts may contain affiliate links. SHTF Friendly Hobbies As a parent I sometimes feel a bit guilty for taking some me time for hobbies I enjoy. But having a hobby does help make a well rounded person and relieves stress. There are just things I really enjoy doing and find that if I do …
Should You Worry About Marauders?
Should You Worry About Marauders? (3 links) Most of us heard about Tyler Smith and his group of marauders who call themselves Spartan Survival a few years ago when the National Geographic Channel was running its series ‘Doomsday Survival’. Personally I was not a fan of the show. They of course were looking for entertainment …
Traveling Through Hostile Environments
Traveling Through Hostile Environments Whether you plan to bug in or out travel in hostile territory is going to be a factor. If you bug in you maybe able to avoid the worst of it as others are attempting to get out right then too. But you will have to eventually venture out to scavenge, …
Will Cash Be Banned?
Will Cash Be Banned? As our world becomes more and more electronic, fewer of us use or carry cash. I personally don’t carry much cash. I find for some unknown psychological reason it tends to slip through my fingers much faster than it does when I use a debit card. Also a card can be …
Preppers and Homeschooling
Preppers and Homeschooling (2 links) We prep to insure the quality of life for ourselves and our families. This includes both the younger generation here now and those yet to come. You may not be planning on adding a child to your family today. But the family you do have will grow up and eventually …
10 Tips For Rotating Food Storage
10 Tips For Rotating Food Storage We preach and preach store what you eat and eat what you store. That canned goods last years but not indefinitely and therefor you have to rotate your food storage. Yet, I needed to take a look at my own storage! Just last week one of my daughters and …
6 Survival Tips Being Overlooked That’ll Result in Consequences Later
6 Survival Tips Being Overlooked That’ll Result in Consequences Later Every prepper, homesteading, and survival site gives tons of tips every day. We look them over and then tuck them away in the back of our minds. We hope we will never need them and took a look at them in the first place just …
Can Prepping and the Golden Rule Co-Exist?
Can Prepping and the Golden Rule Co-Exist? On many occasions prepper sites and blogs speak to the issue of what to do with the unprepared that can and probably will show up on our door steps after a major SHTF event. Often the answer is to turn them away. At the same time many of …
37 Creative Storage Ideas
37 Creative Storage Ideas Never ever have enough storage space? No worries you aren’t alone no one does. It does seem that no matter how much space you had when occupying a particular home, you manage to fill it and need more! Being a prepper or just self-sufficient means you probably store more than does …