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Survival Acronym And You
Survival Acronym And You Ever been caught in an off guard panic situation? Many of us have. There is almost too much time to think so you can’t. There is nothing immediate to react to. Perhaps nothing you can do to stop it but you know something horrible is coming your way. These are the …
Edibles That Can Be Grown Indoors This Winter
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Edibles That Can Be Grown Indoors This Winter We don’t quit eating during the winter months. Why should we stop gardening for the winter? Today’s post is about the edibles that can be grown indoors and throughout the winter. This is economically beneficial for those who live off their gardens. And if in …
Survival Skills Bucket List
Survival Skills Bucket List None of us are experts on everything. Anyone who claims to be is not being honest with themselves or you. There are basic skills that will be required in order to stay alive during a disaster scenario. They aren’t the most difficult ones to master but do require practice like anything …
Homemade Cough Syrup That Reduces Phlegm
Homemade Cough Syrup That Reduces Phlegm Carrots tend to get under-rated in the area of health benefits. I can attest to the fact that in many European countries carrot juice is one of the first juices introduced to babies for skin health. I remember myself as a child being told carrots would assist my eye …
Prepper Groups: Start One, or Join One?
Prepper Groups: Start One, or Join One? Almost everyone agrees that the lone wolf survivor has a lot more to overcome to survive than does a group. A prepper groups dynamics can throw a wrench into the works or make a well oiled survival machine. You may already have a planned group made up of …
Holiday Travel Survival Tips
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Holiday Travel Survival Tips Many of you may be traveling for the upcoming holiday. You may think you have it down pat as you traveled for Thanksgiving. But that truly is only a test run! The majority didn’t cross country for thanksgiving and a large number of us will …
DIY Wood-Fired Hot Tub
DIY Wood-Fired Hot Tub It wasn’t too many years ago when a hot tub was all the rage. You could find businesses that did nothing but sell them and others that built their facilities around them. These days they are less popular as a bachelor pad item or a fad. But there is still something completely …
Splitting Firewood With a Knife AKA Batoning
Splitting Firewood With a Knife AKA Batoning Not only does batoning actually take less energy to chop wood into kindling, but it is a method available to most people in a survival scenario. Many people actually carry a knife on their belt or in the trunk of their car. Fewer folks tote an axe with …
Upcycled Tire Ideas
Upcycled Tire Ideas I love the table and chairs pictured above upcycling old tires! All the ideas featured in the blog linked below are cool, that one just happens to be my favorite. So much nicer than allowing them to go into a dump site where they will most likely be burnt and spew toxins …
Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease
Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease It looks like chicken pox and sounds a bit like hoof and mouth disease, but it’s neither! Hand-Foot-Mouth-Disease is caused by a couple of viruses. Coxsackievirus A16 is the most common cause and Enterovirus 71 is the second-most common. It is highly contagious like the chicken pox caused by the varicella-zoster virus and is not the …