Author's posts
DIY Building with Papercrete
DIY Building with Papercrete Papercrete is a simple green building material perfect for homesteaders and preppers. It is easy to make and inexpensively recycles cardboard and other paper. It is primarily used at this time by those off grid due to code issues in urban areas. But after a major SHTF event those concerns will …
MIY Alcohol Fuel
MIY Alcohol Fuel After a major SHTF there will be no international trade and the flow of gasoline will cease. Even if you reside in a country that produces gas.The refineries will stop operating as those that ran it will be busy trying to survive just like the rest of us. For awhile we will …
DIY Storm Glass Weather Prediction
DIY Storm Glass Weather Prediction Okay can’t you simply look out a window or step outside to see what the weather is? Why would you need a storm glass? Both of these simple obvious steps can be taken to tell you what the weather is right now. But if you’re in a bug out situation …
Reconditioning Cast Iron
Reconditioning Cast Iron Cast iron is the preferred cookware of preppers, homesteaders, and campers. Granted it is too heavy to be carried in a bug out bag but it is so versatile in all other scenarios that if you are bugging in or in a situation where weight is not an deterrent then cast iron …
Bus Conversion to RV
Bus Conversion to RV For vacationing purposes and even for bugging out an RV could be a blessing if you are able to afford the price tag for all the options you want to include. One must remember that in a SHTF scenario that custom parts for custom built RVs will not be readily available. …
MREs to Prep Must Have or Pass?
MREs to Prep Must Have or Pass? Years ago the idea of civilians purchasing MREs was unheard of. The fact that they were issued to our soldiers was deemed near cruelty no matter how easy they were to carry in the field. It was determined by the upper ranks that nutritional value was the matter at …
Setting Up a Community Post SHTF
Setting Up a Community Post SHTF Although we talk a lot about small like minded folks forming survival groups now in normal times, are they really the right choice for the long term? Over a period of time a larger community will have a better quality of life. Even if only based on sheer numbers the more …
DIY Cob Building
DIY Cob Building In today’s housing market more and more people are building their own much smaller homes than those just a generation before. Cob built homes have been around centuries. They are inexpensive and green to build. They are also quite easy to maintain and withstand all kinds of weather. This could be the answer to …
The Truth about Expiration Dates
The Truth about Expiration Dates The debate on expiration dates and their true meaning has been ongoing in my family for many years. I am of the train of thought that if it was canned properly, the can is not bulging nor damaged, there is not a sound upon opening, the smell is normal and …
40 Creative Uses for an Ice Tray
40 Creative Uses for an Ice Tray I almost threw away the majority of my old ice cube trays the other day! But after seeing and trying some of these creative ideas I actually bought more trays my last shopping excursion to the dollar store. I had been using my old trays since obtaining the ice maker in …