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Foolish Questions from the Non-Prepper About Prepping
Foolish Questions from the Non-Prepper About Prepping My own mother is actually a prepper and taught all her children the basics while at her knee. But the label “prepper” isn’t one she understands or acknowledges. She was a prepper before the term existed! When I first explained to her the nature of this site and what …
Recycle and Reuse Cardboard Tubes
Recycle and Reuse Cardboard Tubes Many preppers save old toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes, then fill them with lint or other flammable materials to create fire starters with. But after a while there are only so many fire starters you can store before it becomes enough! I reached that point rather quickly with …
Protecting Your Home During Adverse Conditions
Protecting Your Home During Adverse Conditions Under normal circumstances home security is enough of a challenge. But add freezing cold, blistering heat or some other natural or manmade disaster and it becomes a real issue. Many unsavory characters out there lay in wait to take advantage of any sign of weakness. Add the pack mentality …
Frostbite in Chickens
Frostbite in Chickens Cold weather brings with it the risk of frostbite to humans and some animals as well. This includes chickens. The consequences of a chicken’s frostbite can be similar to those of humans with the exception that it can actually affect the long-term fertility and egg production of the bird. Knowing how to prevent …
Basic Guide For Winter Fishing
Basic Guide For Winter Fishing Other than staying warm in winter weather, finding food in a survival off grid scenario would be one of the biggest challenges for the survivalist. Like people animals slow down and move on to warmer climates if they can when the snow falls and the temperature drops. This is why …
10 Tips to Make Your Home Your Fortress
10 Tips to Make Your Home Your Fortress Our homes were always intended to be our safe havens. With crime rates rising, disastrous weather brewing and the ever-looming possibility of a major SHTF event to keep our homes our havens we must begin looking at them as our own little fortresses. Of course, building a …
Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion It used to be that the issue of home security other than a lock on the front door were the concerns of only the wealthy or those that live a lifestyle that could bring dangerous strangers to the doorstep. Now days that is not …
Herb/Veggie Planter You Can DIY
Herb/Veggie Planter You Can DIY If you’d like to have fresh Herbs year-round, this Vertical Herb planter will let you grow them this Winter, and then when Spring rolls around– you can put it outside. Some veggies can also be planted in this planter (Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Arugula) in Winter months. Families that …
Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish
Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish Preserving protein sources like meat and fish will be a crucial skill during a SHTF scenario. There are situations where pressure canning, freezing or dehydrating meats will not be an option, but you will need that protein desperately to keep yourself and your family or group healthy. The dietary …
Survival Skills Test
Survival Skills Test I always tell you never to take these quizzes too seriously. Someone and we don’t really know who, decided what answer was correct and which is incorrect. We could rightfully disagree with them and who is to say who is right or wrong? Many of these tests are very subjective and your …