Storm (USA)

Author's posts

DIY Can Storage Cabinet

DIY Can Storage Cabinet No one ever turns down more storage space! This is even more true for preppers and homesteaders. Rotating your stored stock of canned goods is an important aspect to food storage. However, reaching the older stock first can mean constant rearranging of the pantry or lots and lots of extra storage space. Most of …

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Done in an Hour or Less Outdoor DIY Projects

Done in an Hour or Less Outdoor DIY Projects Summer is upon us once again and so out comes the “honey do” list! Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could spruce up your outdoor space with a few quick and easy DIY projects and still have time to sit and enjoy them? How better to …

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Improve Your Rifle Marksmanship

Improve Your Rifle Marksmanship Practice makes perfect is what we are all taught when it comes to building a skill like marksmanship. However, before you begin practicing make sure you are doing it correctly to start. You want to make sure that you aren’t honing the incorrect method which could cost you later. The featured …

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Survival Tools You Should Own

Survival Tools You Should Own We assume that you already have the basic home tools i.e., a hammer, nails, a wrench or two etc… So, the tools discussed in the featured article are more for the bug out prepper and for use in bush type locations. These particular 7 tools have been chosen by marines …

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9 Priority Post SHTF Steps

9 Priority Post SHTF Steps The worst has happened. Whatever disaster you have prepped for or worried about has come to be. Your first steps of course involve surviving whatever disaster has befallen you. What about your long-term survival what are the first priority responses and steps to take once the immediate threat has passed? …

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Store Fresh Vegetables For Months

Store Fresh Vegetables For Months Just about anyone can dig a hole. place a cover on it and call it a root cellar! But in order for it to work as a root cellar and keep our fresh vegetables stored safely for months it requires a little more than that. Humidity, temperature. air circulation, and …

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Edible Landscaping

Edible Landscaping We can’t all be homesteaders and some of us can’t even be true outdoor gardeners either. There are space limitations, time management limitations, and even HOA limitations. But the majority of us even those that rent do have the ability to contribute to the landscaping of the property in pots or in the …

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Do’s & Don’ts Ammo Storage

 Do’s & Don’ts Ammo Storage The value of storing ammunition goes without saying for a long term SHTF event and for even a short-term event for the purpose of self-defense if it becomes necessary. Nothing bugs me more than having spent my hard-earned money on something to have for a specific purpose only to find …

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Evaptainers Off Grid Cold Storage

Evaptainers Off Grid Cold Storage Unless you end up near a cold river after a SHTF event cold storage will be harder to do than will be heat based storage like dehydrating, canning, and cooking. Fire is easier to make off grid than is ice! But this evaptainer can change that. It works using only …

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Auto Batteries For Off Grid Energy Storage

Auto Batteries For Off Grid Energy Storage I confess to having been careless and allowing my cell phone battery to die on more than one occasion. I didn’t actually learn my lesson until it died in the middle of a storm which had taken down my household’s electricity. No outlet to plug it into and …

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