Lucy (Australia)

Author's posts

Air Cleaning Houseplants

Air Cleaning Houseplants Why invest in expensive electrical air purifiers that require power, filters and costs that add up over time?  Same with the pop up, plug in, new smell air fresheners that really just perfume the air does not clean it! Instead go natural. Mother nature has her own ways of freshening the air in …

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1st Aid uses for Egg Membrane

1st Aid uses for Egg Membrane Even if you do not eat eggs, I suggest buying a dozen and preserving them with mineral oil because this article will blow you away! For something that is normally thrown out as rubbish, the membrane lining in an egg shell has some surprising 1st aid uses. I know, who …

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Sleep Warm Camping Tips

Sleep Warm Camping Tips Hypothermia is a quick and silent killer. Don’t let this be what gets you when you are trying to survive… Staying warm while camping or bugging out may just be the most obvious thing you think you could do.. but its actually not that easy to do! Not only will you rest better …

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MIY Aspirin

MIY Aspirin There has been a SHTF event and boy do you have a headache! Seriously, if you don’t have a headache after a SHTF event then you may be injured or dealing with injured. They are going to need some natural pain relief as medical care isn’t going to be readily available. Without the …

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DIY Winter Sore Throat Tea

DIY Winter Sore Throat Tea Having a sore throat is never a happy time, if you are seeking a natural way to sooth the throat with out the chemicals and medicines you can get from the store give this a try. It’s all natural. Honey has been known for it’s healing powers since the Egyptian …

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Remedies for Sore Throats & Tonsillitis

Remedies for Sore Throats &  Tonsillitis Most sore throats are caused by flu and cold symptoms like drainage down the throat from the sinuses. The typical viral sore throat will look like the picture above and there really isn’t too much that can medically be done about it other than treating the pain and irritation. …

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OTC Medications to Stockpile

 OTC Medications to Stockpile Once the SHTF doctors, pharmacists and even drug stores will be closed, looted and generally unavailable for use by the average citizen. Many OTC medications began as prescription medications until it was determined they were safe for most people to decide when and if they needed it. The ones discussed in …

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DIY Improvised Charcoal Filter

DIY Improvised Charcoal Filter Use of charcoal as a filter has been around for years. It removes sediments, contaminants and even improves the taste. It is amazing as you watch the dirty water filter through and become before your eyes a clear drinkable life source. It’s often the method preferred by survivalists and those experienced …

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Knife Blades Infographic

Knife Blades Infographic When I first started prepping and collecting knives I only knew of two blades. Straight and serrated. Oh how naive I was… There are more than 10 basic blade types to choose from I don’t have any idea how many more specialty blades there are available out there. For information on the most common basic blades …

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Surviving wild Animal Encounters

Surviving wild Animal Encounters   Coming face to face with any wild animal can be a deadly proposal and definitely a terrifying experience. Knowing what to expect can save your life. Many of the animals on the infographic below aren’t ones you are likely to run into. But for those that you could bump into …

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