MREs to Prep Must Have or Pass?

MREs to Prep Must Have or Pass?

MREs to Prep or Pass?

Photo from

Years ago the idea of civilians purchasing MREs was unheard of. The fact that they were issued to our soldiers was deemed near cruelty no matter how easy they were to carry in the field. It was determined by the upper ranks that nutritional value was the matter at hand and taste was not important. Those that used the product however let it be known that taste did indeed matter as well!

Since those days the nutritional value and the taste have been exponentially improved! Since that very relevant change to the MRE these products became available and often the first choice of hikers, backpackers and preppers. But are they really as practical as they seem? Even with the massive improvement in taste they still are an acquired taste and can’t compete with home cooking.

The question posed in the featured article is are pre-packaged MREs actually as convenient and the obvious choice for preppers bug out bags? Should we be stocking them as preparations or passing them by. I personally have chosen to do both. I have a few purchased packages in my vehicle’s get home and accident bag. But for those that I stock and store in my prepper’s pantry they are home made with my own fresh produce, spices and sauces in dehydrated form.

I feel strongly that during the first days of crisis the MRE is the best idea, who will have time to deal with any form of cooking while your priority is simply surviving and getting your self and family safe. That doesn’t mean however that you won’t be hungry nor that your body won’t require nutrition to keep going. I also think they are the best option for caches because of the strength of packaging, reduced size, and if you will be carrying them on your way to a bug out location the lighter weight.

For more information on this product often considered a typical must have prep so you can make a more informed choice for your bug out bag and prepper’s panty at the link below

MREs: Best Prepper Food or Waste of Money?


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