Los Angeles to shut off water and power to homes hosting large parties or gatherings

Los Angeles to shut off water and power to homes hosting large parties or gatherings

Los Angeles to shut off water and power to homes hosting large parties or gatherings

Photo: la times

Now the particular party discussed in the featured article would definitely be a problem gathering with or without a pandemic. First a fatal shooting occurred during the party, the party it’s self broke the city’s house party ordinance and LA’s gathering public health rules.  I have no doubt all these factors played into the municipality’s decision to come down hard on facilities and private homes that violate the gathering limitations.

However, I would have some concerns as to how they will implement this consequence in a manner where innocent people won’t be penalized. For instance you rent a facility and decide to do it your way and as a consequence, the water and power to the venue is cut 48 hours later…. just in time for another event whose party goers did intend to follow the regulations? Does this consequence unfairly burden the owner of the property to supervise the renter?

See the story linked below

Los Angeles to shut off water and power to homes hosting large parties or gatherings


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