Air Cleaning Houseplants

Air Cleaning Houseplants


Photo from Sustainable baby steps

Why invest in expensive electrical air purifiers that require power, filters and costs that add up over time?  Same with the pop up, plug in, new smell air fresheners that really just perfume the air does not clean it! Instead go natural. Mother nature has her own ways of freshening the air in your home. Houseplants! Not only are they natural and beautiful but they require very little maintenance especially in comparison to the electronic air cleaners. Houseplants give a home that homey feeling and a part of that feeling is having something alive in the room which gives the area a welcoming vibe.

Some plants are better air fresheners than others. Start with the list in the article below and then add to them with those that you enjoy or that keep away household pests as well. You may soon find you have a lovely and functional indoor garden!

19 Houseplants That Clean the Air


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