Communications: Project Big Ears

Communications: Project Big Ears

Communications: Project Big Ears


Communications are of massive importance for preppers both before and especially after an event. The benefits are enormous when it comes to being prepared.  There are a number of decisions that impact your bugout.  Things like what bridges are out and what types of obstructions are in your way?  What is the weather doing there? How about the danger from looters or troops?  You might never know these things without communications. If bugging in, what or who is headed your way?

Your bugout or bug in is much safer as you make more informed survival decisions.  One method of gathering intel is to use a HAM radio. This method is always beneficial to the prepper and connects them with a network of others with the same mindset.

Urban Survival talks about setting up project big ears to insure they have the best of communications that are possible during any SHTF event linked below

Prepping: Project Big Ears

Additional informational posts for HAM radios:

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