Surviving Summer Nights Without A/C

Surviving Summer Nights Without A/C

Surviving Summer Nights Without A/C

Photo via rap genius


The administrator of SHTF and Prepping Central and I were chatting just today about the misery of the combination of heat and humidity in our respective home states. Nothing ruins a good day like a bad night’s sleep! The next day tends to be even more miserable as you are not only hot but now tired as well.

It is a proven fact that the incidence of violent arguments tend to rise during the hottest summer months and it’s because people are on edge and cranky from the heat and lack of a decent night’s sleep and tempers flare. Even if that isn’t a concern for you, the inability to sleep and overheated nights I am sure are no matter where you live!  Now that the summer months are upon us, it is  time to prepare for those long hot summer nights. The linked article gives some tips for sleeping easy during the heat.

24 Tricks to Survive Hot Summer Nights (Without AC)


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